1. ezPyWinForm Example
import clr clr.AddReference("System.Windows.Forms") clr.AddReference("System.Drawing") clr.AddReferenceToFileAndPath("ScintillaNET.dll") import System from System import Uri from System.Windows.Forms import * '''( Application, Form, Padding, DockStyle, FlatStyle MenuStrip, StatusBar, AnchorStyles ToolStripContainer, TextImageRelation ToolStripMenuItem, ToolStripSeparator ToolStrip, ToolStripButton ToolStripLabel, ToolStripTextBox, ToolStripComboBox StatusStrip, ToolStripStatusLabel BorderStyle, ToolStripItemDisplayStyle ListView, View, SortOrder, SplitContainer Panel, ToolTip, Label, Button, TextBox, ScrollBars Orientation, TabControl, TabPage FlowLayoutPanel, FlowDirection, Shortcut, MainMenu, MenuItem )''' from System.Drawing import * ''' Size, Image, Point, Bitmap, Font ''' import ScintillaNET from ScintillaNET import WrapMode from ScintillaNET import IndentView from ScintillaNET import MarginType _window__ctrl_table = {} def GetControl(name): return _window__ctrl_table.get(name) def GetWpfControl(name): if _window__ctrl_table.get(name): return _window__ctrl_table[name].ctrl; def DumpControlTable(): for k,v in _window__ctrl_table.items(): print(k,v) class WinControl(): def Initialize(self,h): if h.get('width'): self.Width = h['width'] if h.get('height'): self.Height = h['height'] if h.get('fontsize'): self.SetFontSize(h['fontsize']) if h.get('menu'): self.SetContextMenu(h['menu']) if h.get('expand'): self.dockFill() self.ctrl.Anchor = AnchorStyles.None def SetSize(self,size): self.ctrl.Size = size def SetWidth(self,w): self.ctrl.Width = w; def SetHeight(self,h): self.ctrl.Height = h; def SetLocation(self,point): self.ctrl.Location = point def dockFill(self): self.ctrl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill def dockTop(self): self.ctrl.Dock = DockStyle.Top def dockBottom(self): self.ctrl.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom def dockLeft(self): self.ctrl.Dock = DockStyle.Left def dockRight(self): self.ctrl.Dock = DockStyle.Right def anchorAll(self): self.ctrl.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right def Add(self,ctrl): self.ctrl.Controls.Add(ctrl) def SetBackColor(self,color): self.ctrl.BackColor = color def SetBackImage(self,filename): self.ctrl.BackgroundImage = Bitmap(filename) def SetBounds(self,bounds): self.ctrl.Bounds = bounds def SetBorderStyleLine(self): self.ctrl.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; def SetBorderStyle3D(self): self.ctrl.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D def Invalidate(self): self.ctrl.Invalidate() def SetTabIndex(self,i): self.ctrl.TabIndex = i def SetFontSize(self,size): self.ctrl.Font = Font(self.ctrl.Font.Name,size,self.ctrl.Font.Style,self.ctrl.Font.Unit) def GetFontSize(self,size): return ctrl.Font.Size def SetToolTip(self,tip): toolTip = ToolTip() toolTip.AutoPopDelay = 5000 toolTip.InitialDelay = 500 #1000 toolTip.ReshowDelay = 500 toolTip.ShowAlways = True toolTip.IsBalloon = True toolTip.SetToolTip(self.ctrl, tip) def SetContextMenu__(self,menu_table): menu = ContextMenu() for m in menu_table: menu.MenuItems.Add(m['name']) self.ContextMenu = menu def SetContextMenu(self,menu_table): menu = ContextMenuStrip() for m in menu_table: menu.Items.Add(WinMenu(m['name'],m['item'])) self.ctrl.ContextMenuStrip = menu def OnMouseDown(self,sender,e): pos = Point(e.X, e.Y) if e.Button == MouseButtons.Right: self.ContextMenuStrip.Show() # # Control # class WinLabel(WinControl): def __init__(self,h,tool=False): if tool: self.ctrl = ToolStripLabel() else: self.ctrl = Label() if h.get('tooltip'): self.SetToolTip(h['tooltip']) self.ctrl.AutoSize = True self.Initialize(h) if h.get('label'): self.ctrl.Text = h['label'] if h.get('icon'): self.ctrl.Image = Image.FromFile(h['icon']) if h.get('handler'): self.ctrl.Click += h['handler'] def SetHandler(self,handler): self.ctrl.Click += handler class WinSpacer(WinControl): def __init__(self,h,tool=False): if tool: self.ctrl = ToolStripLabel() else: self.ctrl = Label() if not h.get('width'): h['expand'] = True self.ctrl.AutoSize = True self.Initialize(h) class WinButton(WinControl): def __init__(self,h,tool=False): if tool: self.ctrl = ToolStripButton() self.ctrl.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.ImageAndText self.ctrl.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText else: self.ctrl = Button() self.ctrl.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat if h.get('tooltip'): self.SetToolTip(h['tooltip']) self.Initialize(h) if h.get('label'): self.ctrl.Text = h['label'] if h.get('icon'): self.ctrl.Image = Image.FromFile(h['icon']) if h.get('handler'): self.ctrl.Click += h['handler'] def SetHandler(self,handler): self.ctrl.Click += handler class WinToggleButton(WinControl): def __init__(self,h,tool=False): if tool: self.ctrl = ToolStripCheckBox() else: self.ctrl = CheckBox() self.ctrl.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat if h.get('tooltip'): self.SetToolTip(h['tooltip']) self.Initialize(h) self.ctrl.Appearance = Appearance.Button if h.get('label'): self.ctrl.Text = h['label'] if h.get('handler'): self.ctrl.Click += h['handler'] def SetHandler(self,handler): self.ctrl.Click += handler class WinCheckBox(WinControl): def __init__(self,h,tool=False): if tool: self.ctrl = ToolStripCheckBox() else: self.ctrl = CheckBox() self.ctrl.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat if h.get('tooltip'): self.SetToolTip(h['tooltip']) self.Initialize(h) if h.get('label'): self.ctrl.Text = h['label'] if h.get('handler'): self.ctrl.Click += h['handler'] def SetHandler(self,handler): self.ctrl.Click += handler class WinImageView(WinControl): def __init__(self,h): self.ctrl = PictureBox() self.Initialize(h) self.ctrl.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D; self.ctrl.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle #StretchImage, CenterImage, Normal, AutoSize, Zoom self.ctrl.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom if h.get('tooltip'): self.SetToolTip(h['tooltip']) if h.get('filename'): self.setImage(h['filename']) self.dockFill(); def setImage(self,filename): self.ctrl.Image = Bitmap(filename) class WinTextBox(WinControl): def __init__(self,h,tool=False): multiline = False multiline = h.get('multiline') if tool: self.ctrl = ToolStripTextBox() else: self.ctrl = TextBox() if h.get('tooltip'): self.SetToolTip(h['tooltip']) self.ctrl.Multiline = multiline if multiline: self.ctrl.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Both if multiline else ScrollBars.None self.ctrl.WordWrap = False self.ctrl.AcceptsReturn = True self.ctrl.AcceptsTab = True self.ctrl.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle self.dockFill(); if h.get('handler'): self.ctrl.KeyDown += h['handler'] if h.get('text'): self.ctrl.Text += h['text'] def ClearText(self): self.ctrl.Text = "" def AddText(self,text): self.ctrl.Text += text def SetMultiLine(v): self.ctrl.Multiline = v def SetWordWrap(v): self.ctrl.WordWrap = v def SetDrop(v): self.ctrl.AllowDrop = v class WinStyledText(WinControl): def __init__(self,h): self.ctrl = ScintillaNET.Scintilla() self.Initialize(h) self.ctrl.Text = "StyledText" self.ctrl.Location = Point(0, 0) self.ctrl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill self.ctrl.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle self.ctrl.WrapMode = WrapMode.None; self.ctrl.IndentationGuides = IndentView.LookBoth nums = self.ctrl.Margins[0] nums.Width = 30 nums.Type = MarginType.Number nums.Sensitive = True nums.Mask = 0 class WinComboBox(WinControl): def __init__(self,h,tool=False): if tool: self.ctrl = ToolStripComboBox() else: self.ctrl = ComboBox() if h.get('tooltip'): self.SetToolTip(h['tooltip']) self.Initialize(h) self.ctrl.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat if h.get('handler'): self.ctrl.SelectedIndexChanged += h['handler'] if h.get('items'): for i in h['items']: self.ctrl.Items.Add(i) self.ctrl.SelectedIndex = 0; class WinTableView(WinControl): def __init__(self,h): #cols=None,check=False,grid=False,edit=False): self.ctrl = ListView() self.Initialize(h) self.ctrl.View = View.Details self.ctrl.FullRowSelect = True self.ctrl.AllowColumnReorder = True self.ctrl.Sorting = SortOrder.Ascending self.ctrl.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle self.dockFill() if h.get('grid'): self.ctrl.GridLines = True else: self.ctrl.GridLines = False if h.get('check'): self.ctrl.CheckBoxes = True else: self.ctrl.CheckBoxes = False if h.get('edit'): self.ctrl.LabelEdit = True else: self.ctrl.LabelEdit = False if h.get('cols'): self.AddColumns(h['cols']) def getColumnCount(self): return self.ctrl.Columns.Count def getCount(self): return self.ctrl.Items.Count def AddColumn(self,text,size=0): if size: self.ctrl.Columns.Add(text, size) else: self.ctrl.Columns.Add(text) def AddColumns(self,cols): if cols: for col in cols: self.ctrl.Columns.Add(col, -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left ) def InsertColumn(self,index,text): self.ctrl.Columns.Insert(index, text) def RemoveColumn(self,col): self.ctrl.Columns.RemoveAt(col) def AddItems(self,items=None,imgIdx=None, fg=None, bg=None, font=None, grp=None): #Color,Font,ListViewGroup if grp: return self.ctrl.Items.Add(ListViewItem(items,imgIdx, fg, bg, font, grp)) elif font: return self.ctrl.Items.Add(ListViewItem(items,imgIdx, fg, bg, font)) elif imgIdx: return self.ctrl.Items.Add(ListViewItem(items, imgIdx)); elif items: return self.ctrl.Items.Add(ListViewItem(items)); def AddItem(self,text,imgIdx): if imgIdx: return self.ctrl.Items.Add(ListViewItem(text, imgIdx)) else: return self.ctrl.Items.Add(ListViewItem(text)) def AddSubItem(self,item,text): return item.SubItems.Add(text) def SelectFirstItem(): if self.ctrl.Items.Count > 0: self.ctrl.Items[0].Selected = True self.ctrl.Select() def GetItem(self, row, col): return self.ctrl.Items[row].SubItems[col].Text def getSelectedItems(self): itemIndices = [] for i in range(self.ctrl.SelectedIndices.Count): itemIndices.append(self.ctrl.SelectedIndices[i]) return itemIndices def GetSelectedItemCount(self): return self.ctrl.SelectedIndices.Count def removeSelectedItems(self): for item in self.ctrl.SelectedItems: self.ctrl.Items.Remove(item); def getCheckedItems(self): itemIndices = [] for i in range(self.ctrl.CheckedIndices.Count): itemIndices.append(self.ctrl.CheckedIndices[i]) return itemIndices; def removeSelectedItems(self): for item in self.ctrl.CheckedItems: self.ctrl.Items.Remove(item); class WinWebView(WinControl): def __init__(self,h): self.ctrl = WebBrowser() self.Initialize(h) self.dockFill() if h.get('url'): self.Go(h['url']) def Go(self,url): if not url.StartsWith("http://") and not url.StartsWith("https://"): url = "http://" + url; self.ctrl.Navigate(Uri(url)) def GetUrl(self): return self.ctrl.Url.ToString() def GoHome(self): self.ctrl.GoHome() def GoBack(self): self.ctrl.GoBack() def GoForward(self): self.ctrl.GoForward() def GoSearch(self): self.ctrl.GoSearch() def Refresh(self): self.ctrl.Refresh() def Stop(self): self.ctrl.Stop() def Print(self): self.ctrl.Print() class WinProgressBar(WinControl): def __init__(self,h,tool=False): if tool: self.ctrl = ToolStripProgressBar() else: self.ctrl = ProgressBar() self.Initialize(h) self.ctrl.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Continuous self.ctrl.Minimum = 0 self.ctrl.Maximum = 100 self.ctrl.Step = 1 self.ctrl.Value = 0 if h.get('value'): self.SetValue(h['value']) def SetValue(self,value): self.ctrl.Value = value # # Container # class WinGridPanel(): def __init__(self): self.ctrl = TableLayoutPanel() def AddRow(self,height=1,expand=False,span=1): if expand: self.ctrl.RowStyles.Add(RowStyle(SizeType.StarSize)) else: self.ctrl.RowStyles.Add(RowStyle(SizeType.AutoSize)) self.ctrl.RowCount += 1 def AddColumn(self,width=1,expand=False,span=1): if expand: self.ctrl.ColumnStyles.Add(ColumnStyle(SizeType.StarSize)) else: self.ctrl.ColumnStyles.Add(ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize)) self.ctrl.ColumnCount += 1 def AddItem(self,item,row,col,rowspan=1,colspan=1): self.ctrl.Controls.Add(item, col, row); class WinVBox(): def __init__(self): self.ctrl = TableLayoutPanel() self.ctrl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill self.rows = 0 def AddItem(self,item,attr=None,height=1): self.ctrl.RowCount += 1 self.ctrl.Controls.Add(item, 0, self.ctrl.RowCount-1); expand = True if attr and attr.get('expand') else False if expand: style = RowStyle() style.SizeType = SizeType.Percent style.Height = 100 self.ctrl.RowStyles.Add(style) else: #style = RowStyle() #style.SizeType = SizeType.Absolute #style.Height = 30 #self.ctrl.RowStyles.Add(style) self.ctrl.RowStyles.Add(RowStyle(SizeType.AutoSize)) class WinHBox(): def __init__(self): self.ctrl = TableLayoutPanel() self.ctrl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill self.rows = 0 def AddItem(self,item,attr=None,height=1): self.ctrl.ColumnCount += 1 self.ctrl.Controls.Add(item, self.ctrl.ColumnCount-1, 0); expand = True if attr and attr.get('expand') else False if expand: style = ColumnStyle() style.SizeType = SizeType.Percent style.Width = 100 self.ctrl.ColumnStyles.Add(style) else: self.ctrl.ColumnStyles.Add(ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize)) class WinSplit(WinControl): def __init__(self,h): self.ctrl = SplitContainer() self.Initialize(h) self.dockFill(); items = h.get('items') first = h.get('first') vert = h.get('vertical') fixed = h.get('fixed') self.items = [ self.ctrl.Panel1, self.ctrl.Panel2 ] if items and len(items) >= 2: self.AddItem(WinLayout(self.ctrl,items[0]),0) self.AddItem(WinLayout(self.ctrl,items[1]),1) if first: self.ctrl.SplitterDistance = self.ctrl.ClientSize.Width * first if fixed: self.ctrl.IsSplitterFixed = True if vert: self.ctrl.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical else: self.ctrl.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal def AddItem(self,ctrl,index): self.items[index].Controls.Add(ctrl) def WinHSplitPane(h): h['vertical'] = True return WinSplit(h) def WinVSplitPane(h): h['vertical'] = False return WinSplit(h) class WinTabPane(WinControl): def __init__(self,h): self.ctrl = TabControl() self.Initialize(h) self.dockFill(); #self.ctrl.Margin = System.Windows.Thickness(15) labels = h.get('labels') items = h.get('items') if labels and items: for i in range(0,len(items)): self.AddItem( WinLayout(self.ctrl,items[i]), labels[i] ) def AddItem(self,layout,label): tab = TabPage() tab.Text = label; tab.Padding = Padding(10); tab.Controls.Add(layout); self.ctrl.Controls.Add(tab); # # Form # def StartThread(handler): import threading thread = threading.Thread(target=handler) thread.daemon = True thread.start() def RunLater(ctrl,handler): ctrl.BeginInvoke(System.Action(handler)) def WinMenu(name,menu_table): ctrl = ToolStripMenuItem(name) for m in menu_table: if not m.get('name') or m['name'] == '-': ctrl.DropDownItems.Add(ToolStripSeparator()) continue if not m.get('item'): continue # Disabled if type(m['item']) == list: ctrl.DropDownItems.Add(EzMenu(m['name'],m['item'])) else: item = ToolStripMenuItem(m['name'],None,m['item']) if m.get('icon'): item.Image = Image.FromFile(m['icon']) if m.get('check'): item.Checked = True ctrl.DropDownItems.Add(item) return ctrl def WinMenuBar(parent,menubar_table): ctrl = MenuStrip() ctrl.Parent = parent for m in menubar_table: ctrl.Items.Add(WinMenu(m['name'],m['item'])) return ctrl def WinToolStatusBar(ctrl,ctrl_table): for m in ctrl_table: if not m.get('name') or m['name'] == '-': ctrl.Items.Add(ToolStripSeparator()) continue; elif m['name'] == "Label" and m.get('label'): tool = WinLabel(m,tool=True) elif m['name'] == "Button": tool = WinButton(m,tool=True) elif m['name'] == 'TextBox': tool = WinTextBox(m,tool=True) elif m['name'] == 'ComboBox': tool = WinComboBox(m,tool=True) elif m['name'] == 'ProgressBar': tool = WinProgressBar(m,tool=True) else: continue if m.get('key'): _window__ctrl_table[m['key']] = tool ctrl.Items.Add(tool.ctrl) return ctrl def WinToolBar(parent,tool_table): return WinToolStatusBar(ToolStrip(),tool_table) def WinStatusBar(parent,status_table): return WinToolStatusBar(StatusStrip(),status_table) def WinLayout(parent,content): vbox = WinVBox() for v in content: hbox = WinHBox() attr = None height = 30 for h in v: name = h.get('name') if not name: attr = h if h.get('height'): height = h['height'] if h.get('expand'): height = 0 else: f = None if name == 'Label': f = WinLabel(h) elif name == 'Spacer': f = WinSpacer(h) elif name == 'Button': f = WinButton(h) elif name == 'ToggleButton': f = WinToggleButton(h) elif name == 'CheckBox': f = WinCheckBox(h) elif name == 'ComboBox': f = WinComboBox(h) elif name == 'ImageView': f = WinImageView(h) elif name == 'TextArea': f = WinTextBox(h) elif name == 'TextField': f = WinTextBox(h) elif name == 'StyledText': f = WinStyledText(h) elif name == 'TableView': f = WinTableView(h) elif name == 'WebView': f = WinWebView(h) elif name == 'TabPane': f = WinTabPane(h) elif name == 'HSplit': f = WinHSplitPane(h) elif name == 'VSplit': f = WinVSplitPane(h) elif name == 'ProgressBar': f = WinProgressBar(h) else: continue if h.get('key'): _window__ctrl_table[h['key']] = f hbox.AddItem(f.ctrl,h) hbox.ctrl.Height = height vbox.AddItem(hbox.ctrl,attr) return vbox.ctrl class WinForm(Form): def __init__(self): self.Text = 'StyledText Demo' self.Size = Size(640,480) self.CenterToScreen() self.layout = ToolStripContainer() self.layout.TopToolStripPanelVisible = False self.layout.RightToolStripPanelVisible = False self.layout.BottomToolStripPanelVisible = False self.layout.LeftToolStripPanelVisible = False self.layout.Dock = DockStyle.Fill self.menu = None self.tool = None self.body = None self.status = None def AddMenu(self,child): self.menu = child def AddTool(self,child): self.tool = child def AddBody(self,child): self.body = child def AddStatus(self,child): self.status = child def SetCreatedHandler(self,handler): self.created = handler def Run(self): self.Controls.Add(self.layout) if self.tool: for m in self.tool: self.layout.TopToolStripPanel.Controls.Add(WinToolBar(self,m)) self.layout.TopToolStripPanelVisible = True if self.menu: self.layout.TopToolStripPanel.Controls.Add(WinMenuBar(self,self.menu)) self.layout.TopToolStripPanelVisible = True if self.status: self.layout.BottomToolStripPanel.Controls.Add(WinStatusBar(self,self.status)) self.layout.BottomToolStripPanelVisible = True if self.body: self.layout.ContentPanel.Controls.Add(WinLayout(self,self.body)) self.layout.ContentPanel.Padding = Padding(10) if self.created: self.created(None,None) Application.Run(self) # # Application # def threadHandler(): import time prog = GetControl('progress') for i in range(100): print(i) RunLater(winApp, lambda : prog.SetValue(i)) time.sleep(0.1) def OnCreated(sender,event): print('OnCreated') ctrl = GetControl('table') ctrl.SetFontSize(12) ctrl.AddColumns(("Name","Age")) ctrl.AddItems(('Tom',"20")) ctrl.AddItems(('Jane',"18")) StartThread(threadHandler) def onExit(sender, event): winApp.Close() def onCombo(sender, event): pass MainMenu = [ { 'name' : "File", 'item' : [ { 'name' : "Exit" , 'item' : onExit, 'icon' : 'icon/exit.png' }, { 'name' : "-" , }, { 'name' : "Exit" , 'item' : onExit, 'icon' : 'icon/exit.png' } ] }, { 'name' : "Help", 'item' : [ { 'name' : "About", 'item' : onExit, 'icon' : 'icon/new.png' } ] }] MainTool = [[ { "name" : "Label", "label" : "File:", }, { "name" : "TextBox", "handler" : onExit, 'key' : 'text' }, { 'name' : "-" , }, { "name" : "Button", "label" : "Exit", 'icon' : 'icon/exit.png', "handler" : onExit, "tooltip" : "Quit" }, ],[ { "name" : "ComboBox", 'items' : [ 'orange', 'apple' ], 'key' : 'combo', 'handler' : onCombo }, ]] MainStatus = [ { "name" : "ProgressBar", 'value' : 0, 'key' : 'progress' }, { "name" : "ComboBox", 'items' : [ 'orange', 'apple' ], 'key' : 'status', 'handler' : onCombo }, ] tab1 = [[ { "name" : "TextArea", 'multiline' : True, "menu" : MainMenu } ]] tab2 = [[ { "name" : "TableView", 'key' : 'table', "menu" : MainMenu } ]] tab3 = [[ { "name" : "ImageView", "filename" : "Lenna.png", "menu" : MainMenu } ]] tab4 = [[ { "name" : "WebView", "url" : "http://google.co.kr", "menu" : MainMenu } ]] split1 = [[ { "name" : "StyledText" , "menu" : MainMenu, 'expand' : True}, { 'expand' : True } ]] split2 = [ [ { "name" : "TabPane", 'fontsize' : 12, "items" : [ tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4 ], "labels" : [ "Text", "List", "Image", "Web" ], 'expand' : True }, { 'expand' : True } ] ] MainBody = [ [ { "name" : "Label", "label" : "Address", 'width' : 32 }, { "name" : "TextField", 'expand' : True }, { "name" : "Button", "label" : "Click", 'tooltip' : "Test Action" }, ], [ { "name" : "HSplit", "items" : [ split1, split2 ], "first" : 0.5, 'expand' : True }, { 'expand' : True }, ], [ { "name" : "Spacer", }, { "name" : "Button", "label" : "Click", 'tooltip' : "Test Action" }, { "name" : "ToggleButton", "label" : "Toggle", 'tooltip' : "Test Toggle" }, { "name" : "CheckBox", "label" : "Check", 'tooltip' : "Test Check" }, { "name" : "ComboBox", 'items' : [ 'orange', 'apple' ], 'key' : 'status', 'handler' : onCombo }, { "name" : "Spacer", 'width' : 16}, ], ] if __name__ == "__main__": winApp = WinForm() winApp.AddMenu(MainMenu) winApp.AddTool(MainTool) winApp.AddStatus(MainStatus) winApp.AddBody(MainBody) winApp.SetCreatedHandler(OnCreated) winApp.Run()
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