1. Compiler and Interpreter
1. Text to Image Generation Utility
- Graphviz - graph visualization software
- MSC-Generator - Text to Message Sequence Charts or generic Graphs.
- PlantUML - Text to UML (Class, Sequence, Use Case, Activity), Gantt and etc.
- Mermaid - Text to Flowchart, Sequence, Gantt diagram.
- Vega - Text to Charts (Bar, Line, Area, Point and etc)
- Vega-Lite - Text to Charts (Bar, Line, Area, Point and etc)
- MPE - Markdown Preview Enhanced for Atom, VSCode
2. Utility
3. Online Utility- pandoc - markdown to html converter
- wkhtmltopdf - html to pdf converter
- losslessCut - video split and merge
- shana encoder - video encoder
- pdfsam - pdf split and merge
- DB Browser for SQLite
- Source code beautifier / syntax highlighter
- hilite.me (Source code beautifier)
- Windows IOS distribution
- Torrent
4. Online Ebook
- 데이터 사이언스 스쿨
- Python Tutorial (한국어)
- Python Tutorial (English)
- Java Tutorial and Tips
- Go Tutorial
- C++ Tutorial, Reference
- JavaFx UI Controls
5. Java Image Library
- ImageJ - NIH - Image processing and analysis
- Marvin - Pure Java cross-platform image processing framework
- imgscalr - Simple Java image-scaling library
- Thumbnailator - Complicated thumbnail processing task in one simple step
- Processing
- ImageJ
- OpenIMAJ
- ZXing - open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library
6. Java Library and Tutorial
- JavaCPP Presets - Java configuration and interface classes for widely used C/C++ libraries
- Java SQLite 사용하기
- Java ORM Lite
100. 바둑
101. 웹툰