1. EzWpfPython
import clr clr.AddReference("PresentationFramework") clr.AddReference("PresentationCore"); clr.AddReference('WindowsBase') clr.AddReference('System.Data') clr.AddReference('System.ComponentModel') clr.AddReference('System.Windows.Forms') import System from System import * from System.Data import * from System.Type import GetType from System.Threading.Tasks import Task from System.ComponentModel import SortDescription from System.ComponentModel import ListSortDirection from System.Windows import * from System.Windows.Controls import * from System.Windows.Controls.Primitives import * from System.Windows.Media import * from System.Windows.Media.Imaging import * from System.Windows.Media.Effects import * from System.Windows.Shapes import Rectangle from System.Windows.Data import Binding from System.Windows.Data import CollectionViewSource from System.Windows.Ink import Stroke from System.Windows.Forms import ( FolderBrowserDialog, DialogResult ) from Microsoft.Win32 import ( OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog ) ''' System:: Data, Uri, UriKind, Timers, Threading, IO System.Windows:: Application, Window, Clipboard, DataFormats, Visibility, Thickness, TextWrapping, HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment, MessageBox, MessageBoxButton, MessageBoxResult, GridUnitType, GridLength, TextAlignment System.Windows.Controls:: GroupBox, Border, StackPanel, Orientation, Grid. RowDefinition. ColumnDefinition, TabControl, TabItem, ContextMenu, Menu, MenuItem, ToolTip, Separator, Image Label, TextBlock, Button, CheckBox, TextBox, ComboBox, ListBox ListView, ListViewItem, TreeView, TreeViewItem, GridView GridViewColumn, ProgressBar, DatePicker, Slider, ScrollViewer WebBrowser, ToolBarTray, ToolBar, ScrollBarVisibility, Canvas System.Windows.Controls.Primitives ToggleButton, TickPlacement, StatusBar, StatusBarItem System.Windows.Media Brushes, Stretch, VisualTreeHelper System.Windows.Media.Imaging BitmapImage, BitmapFrame System.Data DataTable DataView DataColumn System.Windows.Forms FolderBrowserDialog DialogResult ''' # # Control Table # _window__ctrl_table = {} def GetControl(name): return _window__ctrl_table.get(name) def GetWpfControl(name): if _window__ctrl_table.get(name): return _window__ctrl_table[name].ctrl; def DumpControlTable(): for k,v in _window__ctrl_table.items(): print(k,v) # # Controls # class Class: def __init__(self,**kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs) def GetHandler(handler): return lambda sender,args: handler(Class(sender=sender,args=args)) ''' def Handler(sender,args): handler(Class(sender=sender,args=args)) return Handler ''' class WpfControl(): def Initialize(self,h): if h.get('key'): _window__ctrl_table[h['key']] = self if h.get('tooltip'): self.SetToolTip(h['tooltip']) if h.get('menu'): self.SetContextMenu(h['menu']) if h.get('width'): self.ctrl.Width = h['width'] if h.get('height'): self.ctrl.Height = h['height'] if h.get('drop'): self.SetFileDropHandler(h['drop']) self.ctrl.Margin = Thickness(5) self.ctrl.Padding = Thickness(1) def SetMargin(self,l,t,r,b): self.ctrl.Margin = System.Windows.Thickness(l,t,r,b) def ShadowEffect(self): from System.Windows.Media.Effects import DropShadowBitmapEffect self.ctrl.BitmapEffect = DropShadowBitmapEffect() def SetFontSize(self,size): self.ctrl.FontSize = size def SetToolTip(self,tooltip): tip = ToolTip() tip.Content = tooltip self.ctrl.ToolTip = tip def SetContextMenu(self,menu_table): menu = ContextMenu() for m in menu_table: menu.Items.Add(WpfMenu(m['name'],m['item']).ctrl) self.ctrl.ContextMenu = menu def SetFileDropHandler(self,handler): SetFileDropHandler(self.ctrl,handler) class WpfSpacer(WpfControl): def __init__(self,h): self.ctrl = Label() if not h.get('width'): h['expand'] = True self.Initialize(h) def SetValue(self,text): self.ctrl.Content = text class WpfLabel(WpfControl): def __init__(self,h): self.ctrl = Label() self.Initialize(h) if h.get('label'): self.SetValue(h['label']) if h.get('fontsize'): self.SetFontSize(h['fontsize']) def SetValue(self,text): self.ctrl.Content = text class WpfImageView(WpfControl): def __init__(self,h): self.ctrl = Label() self.Initialize(h) self.image = Image() self.image.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center self.image.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center if h.get('image'): self.image.Source = BitmapImage(System.Uri(h['image'],System.UriKind.Relative)) if h.get('stretch'): self.Stretch(h['stretch']) else: self.StretchUniform() if h.get('size'): self.image.Height = float(h['size']); self.image.Width = float(h['size']) if h.get('scroll') and h['scroll']: scroll = ScrollViewer() scroll.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto; scroll.Content = self.image; self.ctrl.Content = scroll elif h.get('multiple') and h['multiple']: stack = StackPanel() stack.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal stack.Children.Add(self.image) self.ctrl.Content = stack else: self.ctrl.Content = self.image def StretchNone(self): self.image.Stretch = Stretch.None def StretchFill(self): self.image.Stretch = Stretch.Fill def StretchUniform(self): self.image.Stretch = Stretch.Uniform def StretchUniformToFill(self): self.image.Stretch = Stretch.UniformToFill def Stretch(self,stretch): if stretch == 'none': self.StretchNone() elif stretch == 'fill': self.StretchFill() elif stretch == 'uniform': self.StretchUniform() elif stretch == 'uniformfill': self.StretchUniformToFill() class WpfButton(WpfControl): def __init__(self,h): self.ctrl = Button() self.Initialize(h) if h.get('fontsize'): self.SetFontSize(h['fontsize']) if h.get('handler'): self.ctrl.Click += GetHandler(h['handler']) stack = StackPanel() if h.get('orientation') and h['orientation'] == 'vertical': stack.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical else: stack.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal self.ctrl.Content = stack if h.get('image'): image = Image() image.Source = BitmapImage(System.Uri(h['image'],System.UriKind.Relative)) image.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center image.Stretch = Stretch.Fill #Stretch.None if h.get('size'): image.Height = float(h['size']); image.Width = float(h['size']) stack.Children.Add(image) if h.get('label'): text = TextBlock() text.Text = h['label'] text.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center stack.Children.Add(text); class WpfToggleButton(WpfControl): def __init__(self,h): self.ctrl = ToggleButton() self.Initialize(h) if h.get('label'): self.ctrl.Content = h.get('label') if h.get('handler'): self.ctrl.Click += GetHandler(h['handler'] ) def IsSelected(self): return self.ctrl.IsChecked class WpfCheckBox(WpfControl): def __init__(self,h): self.ctrl = CheckBox() self.ctrl.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center self.ctrl.VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center self.Initialize(h) if h.get('label'): self.ctrl.Content = h['label'] if h.get('fontsize'): self.SetFontSize(h['fontsize']) if h.get('handler'): self.ctrl.Click += GetHandler(h['handler'] ) def GetValue(self): return self.ctrl.IsChecked class WpfTextBox(WpfControl): def __init__(self,h): self.text = TextBox() self.ctrl = self.text self.Initialize(h) if h.get('width'): self.SetWidth(h['width']) if h.get('fontsize'): self.SetFontSize(h['fontsize']) if h.get('multiline'): self.ctrl.AcceptsReturn = True self.ctrl.AcceptsTab = True self.ctrl.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.NoWrap self.ctrl.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto self.ctrl.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto if h.get('toolbar') and h['toolbar']: self.vbox = WpfVBox() self.hbox = WpfHBox() self.hbox.AddItem(self.Button("Clear", self.ClearHandler)) self.hbox.AddItem(self.Button("Copy", self.CopyHandler)) self.hbox.AddItem(self.Button("CopyAll", self.CopyAllHandler)) self.hbox.AddItem(self.Button("Paste", self.PasteHandler)) self.hbox.AddItem(self.Button("PasteHtml", self.PasteHtmlHandler)) self.vbox.AddItem(self.hbox.ctrl) self.vbox.AddItem(self.text,{'expand':True}) self.ctrl = self.vbox.ctrl def Button(self,label,handler): button = Button() button.Content = label button.Click += handler return button def ClearHandler(self,sender,args): self.text.Clear() def CopyHandler(self,sender,args): self.text.Copy() def CopyAllHandler(self,sender,args): self.text.SelectAll() self.text.Copy() def PasteHandler(self,sender,args): self.text.Paste() def PasteHtmlHandler(self,sender,args): self.text.Text = ClipboardGetHtmlData() def Clear(self): self.text.Text = "" def GetValue(self): return self.text.Text def SetValue(self,text): self.text.Text = text def AppendText(self,text): self.text.Text += text def SetWidth(self,width): self.text.Width = width def ScrollToEnd(self): self.text.ScrollToEnd() def SetWrap(self,wrap): self.text.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap if wrap else TextWrapping.NoWrap class WpfChoiceBox(WpfControl): def __init__(self,h): self.ctrl = ComboBox() self.Initialize(h) self.init_ComboBox(h) def init_ComboBox(self,h): if h.get('fontsize'): self.SetFontSize(h['fontsize']) if h.get('handler'): self.ctrl.SelectionChanged += GetHandler(h['handler'] ) if h.get('items'): self.ctrl.ItemsSource = h['items'] self.ctrl.SelectedIndex = 0 def GetValue(self): return ctrl.Text def GetAddedItem(self,args): return args.AddedItems[0] class WpfComboBox(WpfChoiceBox): def __init__(self,h): self.ctrl = ComboBox() self.Initialize(h) self.init_ComboBox(h) self.ctrl.IsEditable=True self.ctrl.IsReadOnly=False class WpfListBox(WpfControl): def __init__(self,h): self.ctrl = ListBox() self.Initialize(h) if h.get('fontsize'): self.SetFontSize(h['fontsize']) if h.get('handler'): self.ctrl.SelectionChanged += GetHandler(h['handler'] ) if h.get('items'): self.ctrl.ItemsSource = h['items'] self.ctrl.SelectedIndex = 0 def GetValue(self): return self.ctrl.SelectedItem class WpfTableView(WpfControl): def __init__(self,h): self.ctrl = ListView() self.table = DataTable('table') self.Initialize(h) if h.get('fontsize'): self.SetFontSize(h['fontsize']) #if h.get('handler'): self.ctrl.SelectionChanged += h['handler'] if h.get('handler'): self.ctrl.SelectionChanged += GetHandler(h['handler']) self.grid = GridView() self.grid.AllowsColumnReorder = True; self.grid.ColumnHeaderToolTip = "ListView Column Info"; if h.get('columns'): items = h['columns'] widths = None labels = None if h.get('widths'): widths = h['widths'] if h.get('labels'): labels = h['labels'] for i in range(0,len(items)): width = widths[i] if widths else None label = labels[i] if labels else None self.AddColumn(items[i],width,label) self.ctrl.View = self.grid self.ctrl.ItemsSource = self.table.DefaultView self.ctrl.AddHandler(GridViewColumnHeader.ClickEvent, RoutedEventHandler(self.OnColumnHeaderClick)) self.sort_dir = ListSortDirection.Ascending def AddColumn(self,name,width=None,label=None): col = GridViewColumn() if width: col.Width = width col.Header = label if label else name col.DisplayMemberBinding = Binding(name) self.grid.Columns.Add(col); item = DataColumn(name, GetType("System.String")) self.table.Columns.Add(item) ''' item = DataColumn() item.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String"); item.ColumnName = name item.AutoIncrement = False item.Header = label #if label else name item.ReadOnly = False item.Unique = False self.table.Columns.Add(item) ''' def AddItem(self,items): item = self.table.NewRow() for key, value in items.items(): item[key] = value; self.table.Rows.Add(item); def GetValue(self): return self.ctrl.SelectedItem def GetSelectedItems(self): return self.ctrl.SelectedItems def AddSortColumnName(self,col_name,ascending=True): view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(self.ctrl.ItemsSource) if ascending: view.SortDescriptions.Add(SortDescription(col_name, ListSortDirection.Ascending)) else: view.SortDescriptions.Add(SortDescription(col_name, ListSortDirection.Descending)) def ColumnSort(self,col_name,direction): view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(self.ctrl.ItemsSource) view.SortDescriptions.Clear() view.SortDescriptions.Add(SortDescription(col_name, direction)) view.Refresh() def OnColumnHeaderClick(self,sedner,event): headerClicked = event.OriginalSource columnBinding = headerClicked.Column.DisplayMemberBinding if self.sort_dir == ListSortDirection.Descending: self.sort_dir = ListSortDirection.Ascending headerClicked.Column.Header = columnBinding.Path.Path + " (+)" else: self.sort_dir = ListSortDirection.Descending headerClicked.Column.Header = columnBinding.Path.Path + " (-)" self.ColumnSort( columnBinding.Path.Path, self.sort_dir ) #headerClicked.Column.Header class WpfTreeView(WpfControl): def __init__(self,h): self.root = TreeViewItem() self.root.Header = h['name'] self.root.IsExpanded = True self.ctrl = TreeView() self.ctrl.Items.Add(self.root) self.Initialize(h) if h.get('handler'): self.ctrl.SelectedItemChanged += GetHandler(h['handler'] ) def AddRootItem(self,label): return self.AddItem(label) def AddItem(self,label,parent=None): item = TreeViewItem() item.Header = label item.IsExpanded = True if parent: parent.Items.Add(item) else: self.root.Items.Add(item) return item def GetSelectedIndex(self): pass def GetSelectedItem(self): return self.ctrl.SelectedItem def GetSelectedItemText(self): return self.ctrl.SelectedItem.Header.ToString() def GetSelectedItemPath(self,delim=""): item = self.ctrl.SelectedItem return self.GetItemPath(item,delim) def GetItemPath(self,item,delim=""): path = item.Header.ToString() while type(item.Parent) == TreeViewItem: item = item.Parent path = item.Header.ToString() + delim + path return path def GetParentItem(self,item): return item.Parent def GetItemValue(self,item): return item.ToString() class WpfWebView(WpfControl): def __init__(self,h): self.web = WebBrowser() self.ctrl = self.web self.web.Navigated += self.LoadedHandler if h.get('fontsize'): self.SetFontSize(h['fontsize']) if h.get('toolbar') and h['toolbar']: self.vbox = WpfVBox() self.hbox = WpfHBox() self.text = TextBox() self.hbox.AddItem(self.Button("<-", self.BackHandler)) self.hbox.AddItem(self.Button("->", self.ForwardHandler)) self.hbox.AddItem(self.Button("<>", self.RefreshHandler)) self.hbox.AddItem(self.text, {'expand':True}) self.hbox.AddItem(self.Button("Go", self.GoHandler)) self.vbox.AddItem(self.hbox.ctrl) self.vbox.AddItem(self.web,{'expand':True}) self.ctrl = self.vbox.ctrl if h.get('uri'): self.Go(h['uri']) def Button(self,label,handler): button = Button() button.Content = label button.Click += handler return button def LoadedHandler(self,sender,args): self.text.Text = self.web.Source.ToString() def GoHandler(self,sender,args): uri = self.text.Text if not uri.startswith('http'): uri = "http://" + uri self.text.Text = uri self.Go(uri) def BackHandler(self,sender,args): self.Back() def ForwardHandler(self,sender,args): self.Forward() def RefreshHandler(self,sender,args): self.Refresh() def Go(self,uri): self.web.Navigate(System.Uri(uri, System.UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)); def Back(self): if self.web.CanGoBack: self.web.GoBack() def Forward(self): if self.web.CanGoForward: self.web.GoForward() def Refresh(self): self.web.Refresh() def Html(self): return self.web.Document.documentElement.InnerHtml class WpfProgressBar(WpfControl): def __init__(self,h): self.ctrl = ProgressBar() #self.ctrl.IsIndeterminate = True #self.ctrl.Margin = new Thickness(10,0,10,10); self.ctrl.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; self.ctrl.Width = 100; self.ctrl.Height = 16; #self.ctrl.Foreground = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Green; #self.ctrl.Background = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Red; #self.ctrl.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Continuous #Marquee self.ctrl.Maximum = 100 self.ctrl.Value = 0 #self.ctrl.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight self.Initialize(h) def GetValue(self): return self.ctrl.Value def SetValue(self,v): self.ctrl.Value = v class WpfDatePicker(WpfControl): def __init__(self,h): self.ctrl = DatePicker() self.Initialize(h) if h.get('handler'): self.ctrl.SelectedDateChanged += GetHandler(h['handler'] ) def GetValue(self): return self.ctrl.Text def SetValue(self,v): self.ctrl.Text = v class WpfSlider(WpfControl): def __init__(self,h): self.ctrl = Slider() self.Initialize(h) if h.get('handler'): self.ctrl.ValueChanged += GetHandler(h['handler'] ) self.ctrl.Width = 100; self.ctrl.Height = 16; self.ctrl.Minimum = h['min'] if h.get('min') else 0 self.ctrl.Maximum = h['max'] if h.get('max') else 100 self.ctrl.Value = h['value'] if h.get('value') else 0 self.ctrl.SmallChange = 1 self.ctrl.LargeChange = 10 self.ctrl.TickPlacement = TickPlacement.BottomRight self.ctrl.TickFrequency = 10 def GetValue(self): return self.ctrl.Value def SetValue(self,v): self.ctrl.Value = v # # Containers # class WpfBorderGrid(): def __init__(self): self.grid = Grid() self.ctrl = Border() self.ctrl.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left self.ctrl.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top #border.BorderBrush = BorderBrush.Black self.ctrl.BorderThickness = 2 self.ctrl.Content = self.grid def AddRow(self,height=1,expand=False,span=1): if expand: length = GridLength(height, GridUnitType.Star) else: length = GridLength(height, GridUnitType.Auto) self.grid.RowDefinitions.Add(RowDefinition(Height = length)) def AddColumn(self,width=1,expand=False,span=1): if expand: length = GridLength(width, GridUnitType.Star) else: length = GridLength(width, GridUnitType.Auto) self.grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(ColumnDefinition(Width = length)) def AddItem(self,item,row,col,rowspan=1,colspan=1): Grid.SetRow(item, row); Grid.SetColumn(item, col); self.grid.Children.Add(item) if rowspan > 1: item.SetValue(Grid.RowSpanProperty, rowspan); if colspan > 1: item.SetValue(Grid.ColumnSpanProperty, colspan); class WpfGrid(): def __init__(self): self.ctrl = Grid() def AddRow(self,height=1,expand=False,span=1): if expand: length = GridLength(height, GridUnitType.Star) else: length = GridLength(height, GridUnitType.Auto) self.ctrl.RowDefinitions.Add(RowDefinition(Height = length)) def AddColumn(self,width=1,expand=False,span=1): if expand: length = GridLength(width, GridUnitType.Star) else: length = GridLength(width, GridUnitType.Auto) self.ctrl.ColumnDefinitions.Add(ColumnDefinition(Width = length)) def AddItem(self,item,row,col,rowspan=1,colspan=1): Grid.SetRow(item, row); Grid.SetColumn(item, col); self.ctrl.Children.Add(item) if rowspan > 1: item.SetValue(Grid.RowSpanProperty, rowspan); if colspan > 1: item.SetValue(Grid.ColumnSpanProperty, colspan); class WpfVBox(): def __init__(self): self.ctrl = Grid() self.ctrl.Margin = Thickness(1) self.rows = 0 def AddItem(self,item,attr=None,height=1): if attr and attr.get('expand'): length = GridLength(height, GridUnitType.Star) else: length = GridLength(height, GridUnitType.Auto) self.ctrl.RowDefinitions.Add(RowDefinition(Height = length)) Grid.SetRow(item, self.rows); if attr and attr.get('group'): group = GroupBox() group.Header = attr['group'] group.AddChild(item) Grid.SetRow(group, self.rows); self.ctrl.Children.Add(group) else: if attr and attr.get('border') and attr['border']: rect = Rectangle() rect.Stroke = Brushes.Gray rect.Fill = Brushes.Transparent Grid.SetRow(rect, self.rows); self.ctrl.Children.Add(rect) self.ctrl.Children.Add(item) self.rows = self.rows + 1 def AddSplitter(self,width=1): from System.Windows.Controls import GridSplitter item = GridSplitter() item.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch item.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center item.ShowsPreview = True item.Height = 5 length = GridLength(width, GridUnitType.Auto) self.ctrl.RowDefinitions.Add(RowDefinition(Height = length)) Grid.SetRow(item, self.rows); self.ctrl.Children.Add(item) self.rows = self.rows + 1 class WpfHBox(): def __init__(self): self.ctrl = Grid() self.ctrl.Margin = Thickness(1) self.cols = 0 def AddItem(self,item,attr=None,width=1): if attr and attr.get('expand'): length = GridLength(width, GridUnitType.Star) else: length = GridLength(width, GridUnitType.Auto) self.ctrl.ColumnDefinitions.Add(ColumnDefinition(Width = length)) Grid.SetColumn(item, self.cols); if attr and attr.get('group'): group = GroupBox() group.Header = attr['group'] group.AddChild(item) Grid.SetColumn(group, self.cols); self.ctrl.Children.Add(group) else: if attr and attr.get('border') and attr['border']: rect = Rectangle() rect.Stroke = Brushes.Gray rect.Fill = Brushes.Transparent Grid.SetColumn(rect, self.cols); self.ctrl.Children.Add(rect) self.ctrl.Children.Add(item) self.cols = self.cols + 1 def AddSplitter(self,width=1): from System.Windows.Controls import GridSplitter item = GridSplitter() item.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center item.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch item.ShowsPreview = True item.Width = 5 length = GridLength(width, GridUnitType.Auto) self.ctrl.ColumnDefinitions.Add(ColumnDefinition(Width = length)) Grid.SetColumn(item, self.cols); self.ctrl.Children.Add(item) self.cols = self.cols + 1 class WpfBorder(): def __init__(self): self.ctrl = Border() self.ctrl.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left self.ctrl.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top self.ctrl.Background = Brushes.SkyBlue self.ctrl.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black self.ctrl.BorderThickness = Thickness(1) def SetChild(self,ctrl): self.ctrl.Child = ctrl class WpfStackBox(): def __init__(self): self.ctrl = StackPanel() self.ctrl.Margin = Thickness(1) def Add(self,item): self.ctrl.Children.Add(item) class WpfGroupBox(): def __init__(self,h): self.ctrl = GroupBox() if h.get('label'): self.ctrl.Header = h['label'] if h.get('item'): self.AddItem(WpfLayout(h['item'])) def AddItem(self,item): self.ctrl.AddChild(item) class WpfTabPane(): def __init__(self,h): self.ctrl = TabControl() self.ctrl.Margin = System.Windows.Thickness(15) labels = h.get('labels') items = h.get('items') if labels and items: for i in range(0,len(items)): self.AddItem( labels[i], WpfLayout(items[i])) def AddItem(self,label,layout): tab = TabItem() tab.Header = label tab.Content = layout self.ctrl.Items.Add(tab) class WpfHSplitPane(): def __init__(self,h): self.box = WpfHBox() self.ctrl = self.box.ctrl self.ctrl.Margin = Thickness(1) items = h.get('items') width = [ 1, 1 ] if h.get('first'): width[0] = float(h['first']) * 10 width[1] = 10 - width[0] self.box.AddItem(WpfLayout(items[0]),{'expand':True},width[0]) self.box.AddSplitter() self.box.AddItem(WpfLayout(items[1]),{'expand':True},width[1]) class WpfVSplitPane(): def __init__(self,h): self.box = WpfVBox() self.ctrl = self.box.ctrl self.ctrl.Margin = System.Windows.Thickness(1) items = h.get('items') height = [ 1, 1 ] if h.get('first'): height[0] = float(h['first']) * 10 height[1] = 10 - height[0] self.box.AddItem(WpfLayout(items[0]),{'expand':True},height[0]) self.box.AddSplitter() self.box.AddItem(WpfLayout(items[1]),{'expand':True},height[1]) class WpfMenu(): def __init__(self,name,menu_table): self.ctrl = MenuItem() self.ctrl.Header = name; for m in menu_table: if not m.get('name') or m['name'] == '-': self.ctrl.Items.Add(Separator()) continue if not m.get('item'): continue # Disabled if type(m['item']) == list: self.ctrl.Items.Add(WpfMenu(m['name'],m['item']).ctrl) else: item = MenuItem() if m.get('name'): item.Header = m['name'] if m.get('image'): image = Image() image.Source = BitmapImage(System.Uri(m['image'],System.UriKind.Relative)) item.Icon = image if m.get('item'): item.Click += m['item'] if m.get('tooltip'): tooltip = ToolTip() tooltip.Content = m['tooltip'] item.ToolTip = tooltip self.ctrl.Items.Add(item) def WpfMenuBar(menu_table): ctrl = Menu() ctrl.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Stretch; ctrl.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Top; for m in menu_table: ctrl.Items.Add(WpfMenu(m['name'],m['item']).ctrl) return ctrl def WpfToolBar(tool_table): tray = ToolBarTray() for v in tool_table: ctrl = ToolBar() ctrl.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Stretch; ctrl.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Bottom; for h in v: name = h['name'] f = None if name == 'Label': f = WpfLabel(h) elif name == 'Button': f = WpfButton(h) elif name == 'ToggleButton': f = WpfToggleButton(h) elif name == 'CheckBox': f = WpfCheckBox(h) elif name == 'TextField': f = WpfTextBox(h) elif name == 'ChoiceBox': f = WpfChoiceBox(h) elif name == 'ComboBox': f = WpfComboBox(h) elif name == 'ProgressBar': f = WpfProgressBar(h) elif name == 'DatePicker': f = WpfDatePicker(h) elif name == 'Slider': f = WpfSlider(h) if f: ctrl.Items.Add(f.ctrl) tray.AddChild(ctrl) return tray def WpfStatusBar(status_table): ctrl = StatusBar() ctrl.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Stretch; ctrl.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Bottom; for h in status_table: if h.get('name'): name = h['name'] if name == 'Label': f = WpfLabel(h) elif name == 'Button': f = WpfButton(h) elif name == 'ToggleButton': f = WpfToggleButton(h) elif name == 'CheckBox': f = WpfCheckBox(h) elif name == 'TextField': f = WpfTextBox(h) elif name == 'ChoiceBox': f = WpfChoiceBox(h) elif name == 'ComboBox': f = WpfComboBox(h) elif name == 'ProgressBar': f = WpfProgressBar(h) elif name == 'DatePicker': f = WpfDatePicker(h) elif name == 'Slider': f = WpfSlider(h) item = StatusBarItem() item.Content = f.ctrl ctrl.Items.Add(item) return ctrl def WpfLayout(content): vbox = WpfVBox() for v in content: hbox = WpfHBox() attr = None for h in v: name = h.get('name') if not name: attr = h else: if name == 'Spacer': f = WpfSpacer(h) elif name == 'Label': f = WpfLabel(h) elif name == 'ImageView': f = WpfImageView(h) elif name == 'Button': f = WpfButton(h) elif name == 'ToggleButton': f = WpfToggleButton(h) elif name == 'CheckBox': f = WpfCheckBox(h) elif name == 'TextField': f = WpfTextBox(h) elif name == 'ChoiceBox': f = WpfChoiceBox(h) elif name == 'ComboBox': f = WpfComboBox(h) elif name == 'ProgressBar': f = WpfProgressBar(h) elif name == 'DatePicker': f = WpfDatePicker(h) elif name == 'Slider': f = WpfSlider(h) elif name == 'TextArea': h['multiline'] = True; f = WpfTextBox(h) elif name == 'ListBox': f = WpfListBox(h) elif name == 'TreeView': f = WpfTreeView(h) elif name == 'TableView': f = WpfTableView(h) elif name == 'WebView': f = WpfWebView(h) elif name == 'GroupBox': f = WpfGroupBox(h) elif name == 'TabPane': f = WpfTabPane(h) elif name == 'HSplit': f = WpfHSplitPane(h) elif name == 'VSplit': f = WpfVSplitPane(h) else: continue hbox.AddItem(f.ctrl,h) ''' elif name == 'ScrollImageView': f = WpfScrollImageView(h,parent) elif name == 'ProgressBar': f = WpfProgressBar(h) ''' vbox.AddItem(hbox.ctrl,attr) return vbox.ctrl # # API # # # Thread, Execute # ''' def RunLater(handler): from System import Action System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherExtensions.BeginInvoke( System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher, Action(handler)) ''' def RunLater(ctrl,handler): ctrl.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(System.Action(handler)) def Execute(cmd): import subprocess try: out = subprocess.check_output(cmd) return 0,out except: return -1,"" def StartTimer(handler,msec): aTimer = System.Timers.Timer(msec) aTimer.Elapsed += GetHandler(handler) aTimer.AutoReset = True #aTimer.Enabled = True aTimer.Start() #aTimer.Stop(); #aTimer.Dispose(); def StartThread(handler): import threading thread = threading.Thread(target=handler) thread.daemon = True thread.start() def StartTask(handler): Task.Factory.StartNew(handler) # # File Drop # def DragEnter(sender, event): if event.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop): event.Effect = DragDropEffects.All else: event.Effect = DragDropEffects.None def DragOver(sender, event): if event.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop): event.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy def DragDropped(handler): def DropHandler(sender, event): if event.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop): files = event.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop) handler(files) return DropHandler def SetFileDropHandler(ctrl,handler): ctrl.AllowDrop = True #ctrl.DragEnter += DragEnter #ctrl.DragOver += DragOver ctrl.Drop += DragDropped(handler) # # Clipboard # def ClipboardGetTextData(): return Clipboard.GetData(DataFormats.Text) def ClipboardSetTextData(text): Clipboard.SetData(DataFormats.Text, text) def ClipboardGetHtmlData(): return Clipboard.GetData(DataFormats.Html) def ClipboardSetHtmlData(text): Clipboard.SetData(DataFormats.Html, text) def ClipboardGetText(): return Clipboard.GetText() def ClipboardSetText(text): Clipboard.SetText(text) # # Dialog # def WpfAlertDialog(message,title=None): if title: MessageBox.Show(message,title) else: MessageBox.Show(message) def WpfYesNoDialog(message,title,icon=System.Windows.MessageBoxImage.Information): rv = MessageBox.Show(message,title,MessageBoxButton.YesNo,icon) if rv == MessageBoxResult.Yes: return True else: return False def WpfYesNoCancelDialog(message,title,icon=System.Windows.MessageBoxImage.Information): rv = MessageBox.Show(message,title,MessageBoxButton.YesNoCancel,icon) if rv == MessageBoxResult.Yes: return True elif rv == MessageBoxResult.No: return False else: return None def WpfFileOpenDialog(initialFile=None,multiselect=False): dlg = OpenFileDialog() dlg.Multiselect = multiselect dlg.DefaultExt = ".txt"; # Default file extension dlg.Filter = "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"; if initialFile: dlg.InitialDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(initialFile) dlg.FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(initialFile) #Directory.GetParent(initialFile) #Path.GetFileName(initialFile) if dlg.ShowDialog() == True: return dlg.FileNames def WpfFileSaveDialog(initialFile=None): dlg = SaveFileDialog() dlg.DefaultExt = ".txt"; # Default file extension dlg.Filter = "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"; if initialFile: dlg.InitialDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(initialFile) dlg.FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(initialFile) if dlg.ShowDialog() == True: return dlg.FileNames def WpfDirectoryOpenDialog(initialDirectory=None): dlg = FolderBrowserDialog() dlg.ShowNewFolderButton = True if initialDirectory: dlg.SelectedPath = initialDirectory #Path.GetFileName(initialFile) if dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel: return dlg.SelectedPath # # Window # class WpfWindow(Window): def __init__(self,title="",width=800,height=600): print('WpfWindow.__init__()') self.ctrl = None self.stage = None self.createdHandler = None self.closeHandler = None self.title = None self.icon = None self.width = 800 self.height = 600 self.menu = None self.tool = None self.status = None self.content = None def Popup(self): self.box = WpfVBox() if self.menu: self.box.AddItem(WpfMenuBar(self.menu),{'expand':False}) if self.tool: self.box.AddItem(WpfToolBar(self.tool),{'expand':False}) if self.content: self.box.AddItem(WpfLayout(self.content),{'expand':True}) if self.status: self.box.AddItem(WpfStatusBar(self.status),{'expand':False}) self.Content = self.box.ctrl if self.createdHandler: self.createdHandler() self.Show() def Run(self): self.Popup() Application().Run(self) def SetTitle(self,title): self.Title = title def SetSize(self,width,height): self.Width = width; self.Height = height def SetIcon(self,icon): self.Icon = BitmapFrame.Create(System.Uri(icon, System.UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)) def SetMenuBar(self,menu): self.menu = menu def SetToolBar(self,tool): self.tool = tool def SetStatusBar(self,status): self.status = status def SetContent(self,content): self.content = content def SetCreatedHandler(self,handler): self.createdHandler = handler def SetCloseHandler(self,handler): self.Closing += GetHandler(handler) def SetFileDropHandler(self,handler): SetFileDropHandler(self,handler) # # Application # def onExit(event): System.Windows.Application.Current.Shutdown(); def onAbout(event): WpfAlertDialog("Hello, world!", "My App"); def printText(text): ctrl = GetControl('textarea') if ctrl: ctrl.AppendText(text + '\n') ctrl.ScrollToEnd() def onChoice(event): ctrl = GetControl('choice') if ctrl: printText("Selected: " + ctrl.GetAddedItem(event.args) + "\n") def onCheck(event): ctrl = GetControl('check') if ctrl: printText("Checked: " + ctrl.GetValue().ToString() + "\n") def onListBox(event): ctrl = GetControl('listbox') if ctrl: printText("List Selected: " + ctrl.GetValue().ToString() + "\n") def onListView(event): #event ctrl = GetControl('listbox') listview = GetControl('table') #row = listview.GetValue() #printText(row['col1'] + "," + row['col2']) rows = listview.GetSelectedItems() for row in rows: printText(row['Name'] + "," + row['Age']) def onBrowse(event): ctrl = GetControl('textfile') files = WpfFileOpenDialog() if files: ctrl.SetValue(files[0]) def onBrowseFolder(event): ctrl = GetControl('textfile') folder = WpfDirectoryOpenDialog() if folder: ctrl.SetValue(folder) def onToggle(event): ctrl = GetControl('toggle') if ctrl: printText('Toggle: ' + str(ctrl.IsSelected())) def onDatePicker(event): ctrl = GetControl('datepicker') if ctrl: printText('Date: ' + str(ctrl.GetValue())) def onSlider(event): ctrl = GetControl('slider') if ctrl: printText('Slider: ' + str(ctrl.GetValue())) def onTreeView(event): ctrl = GetControl('tree') if ctrl: printText('Treeview: ' + str(ctrl.GetSelectedItemPath('/'))) def onRun(event): text = GetControl('textfile') print(text.GetValue()) if text: rv, out = Execute(text.GetValue()) textarea = GetControl('textarea') textarea.SetValue(str(rv) + '\n' + out) progress_value = 0 def threadHandler(): global progress_value import time label = GetControl('status') for i in range(100): progress_value += 1 RunLater(label.ctrl, lambda : label.SetValue(str(i))) time.sleep(0.1) def taskHandler(): import time prog = GetControl('progress') for i in range(100): RunLater(prog.ctrl, lambda : prog.SetValue(i)) time.sleep(0.1) def timerHandler(event): global progress_value print(progress_value) def onFileDrop(files): print('onFileDrop',files) ctrl = GetControl('textfile') ctrl.SetValue(files[0]) def onTableDrop(files): print('onFileDrop',files) ctrl = GetControl('textfile') ctrl.SetValue(files[0]) def onCreated(): #SetFileDropHandler(GetControl('textfile').ctrl,onFileDrop) listview = GetControl('table') listview.AddItem( { "Name":"Anny" , "Age":"18" } ) listview.AddItem( { "Name":"Bobby", "Age":"16" } ) listview.AddItem( { "Name":"Candy", "Age":"14" } ) tree = GetControl('tree') item = tree.AddRootItem("Item1") tree.AddItem("Item1-1",item) tree.AddItem("Item1-2",item) item = tree.AddRootItem("Item2") tree.AddItem("Item2-1",item) tree.AddItem("Item2-2",item) StartTimer(timerHandler,1000) StartThread(threadHandler) StartTask(taskHandler) def onClosing(event): if not WpfYesNoDialog("Do you want to quie ?","Quit"): event.args.Cancel = True def onOK(event): win = MakeWindow() win.Popup() app_mainmenu = [ { 'name' : "File", 'item' : [ { 'name' : "Exit" , 'item' : onExit, 'image' : 'icon/folder512.png', 'tooltip' : 'Exit Program' }, { 'name' : "-" , }, { 'name' : "About" , 'item' : onAbout, 'image' : 'exit.png' } ] }, { 'name' : "Help", 'item' : [ { 'name' : "About", 'item' : onAbout, 'check' : True, 'image' : 'new.png' } ] }] app_tool = [[ { "name" : "Button", "label" : "Click", "image" : "./icon/folder512.png", 'size' : 16 }, ],[ { "name" : "ChoiceBox", "items" : [ "apple", "grape" ], 'key' : 'choicetool', 'handler' : onChoice }, { "name" : "ComboBox", "items" : [ "apple", "grape" ] }, { "name" : "Label", "label" : "Address:", "menu" : app_mainmenu }, { "name" : "TextField", "key" : "textfile", 'width' : 40 }, { "name" : "Button", 'handler' : onBrowse, "label" : "Browse", "tooltip" : "About this program" }, { "name" : "ToggleButton", "label" : "Toggle", 'key' : 'toggle', 'handler' : onToggle }, ], ] app_status = [ { "name" : "ProgressBar", 'key' : 'progress' }, { "name" : "Slider", 'key' : 'slider', 'handler' : onSlider }, { "name" : "Label", "label" : "Ready", 'key' : 'status' }, { "name" : "Button", "label" : "Click" }, ] tab1 = [[ { "name" : "WebView", "key" : "webview", "expand" : True, "toolbar" : True, "uri" : "http://google.co.kr" }, { 'expand' : True } ]] tab2 = [[ { "name" : "ListBox", "items" : [ "apple", "grape" ], 'expand' : True, 'key' : 'listbox', 'handler' : onListBox }, { 'expand' : True } ]] tab3 = [[ { "name" : "TableView", "columns" : [ "Name", "Age" ], 'widths' : [ 100, 200 ], 'expand' : True, 'key' : 'table', 'handler' : onListView, 'menu' : app_mainmenu, 'drop' : onTableDrop }, { 'expand' : True } ]] tab4 = [[ { "name" : "TreeView", "key" : "tree", 'handler' : onTreeView,"expand" : True }, { "expand" : True }, ]] tab5 = [[ { "name" : "ImageView", 'image' : "Lenna.png", "stretch" : "uniform", "scroll" : True, "expand" : True }, { "expand" : True }, ]] split1 = [[ { "name" : "TabPane", "labels" : [ "Web", "List", "Table", "Tree", "Image" ], "items" : [ tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4, tab5 ], "expand" : True }, { "expand" : True }, ]] split2 = [[ { "name" : "TextArea", 'key' : 'textarea', "expand" : True, 'toolbar' : True }, { "expand" : True }, ]] app_content = [ # vbox [ # hbox { "name" : "GroupBox" , 'label': "Tool2", 'item' : [[ { "name" : "Label", "label" : "Address:", "menu" : app_mainmenu }, { "name" : "TextField", "key" : "textfile", "expand" : True, "menu" : app_mainmenu }, { "name" : "Button", 'handler' : onBrowse, "label" : "File", "tooltip" : "About this program" }, { "name" : "Button", 'handler' : onBrowseFolder, "label" : "Folder", "tooltip" : "About this program" }, { "name" : "Button", 'handler' : onRun, "label" : "Run", "tooltip" : "Execute Command" }, ]], 'expand' : True } ], [ # hbox { "name" : "ChoiceBox", "items" : [ "apple", "grape" ], 'key' : 'choice', 'handler' : onChoice }, { "name" : "ComboBox", "items" : [ "apple", "grape" ] }, { "name" : "CheckBox", "label" : "Click Me", 'key' : 'check', 'handler' : onCheck }, { "name" : "ToggleButton", "label" : "Toggle", 'key' : 'toggle', 'handler' : onToggle }, { "name" : "DatePicker", "label" : "Toggle", 'key' : 'datepicker', 'handler' : onDatePicker }, { 'group' : "Tools" }, ], [ # hbox { "name" : "HSplit", "items" : [ split1, split2 ] , "first" : 0.5, "expand" : True, 'border' : False}, { "expand" : True, 'border' : True }, ], [ # hbox { "name" : "Spacer", }, { "name" : "Button", "label" : "OK", 'width' : 64, 'height' : 24, 'handler' : onOK }, { "name" : "Spacer", 'width' : 8 }, ], ] def MakeWindow(): win = WpfWindow() win.SetTitle("PyWPF") #win.SetIcon("./icon/Lenna.png") win.SetSize(640,400) win.SetMenuBar(app_mainmenu) win.SetToolBar(app_tool) win.SetStatusBar(app_status) win.SetContent(app_content) win.SetCreatedHandler(onCreated) win.SetCloseHandler(onClosing) win.SetFileDropHandler(onFileDrop) return win if __name__ == "__main__": global appWin appWin = MakeWindow() appWin.Run()
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