package.cpath = package.cpath..";./?.dll;./?.so;../lib/?.so;" require("wx") -- -- Control Table -- wxID_USER_Index = 1000 _window__ctrl_table = {} function GetControl(key) return _window__ctrl_table[key] end function GetNativeControl(key) if _window__ctrl_table[key] then return _window__ctrl_table[key].ctrl end return ctrl end function DumpControlTable() for k,v in pairs(_window__ctrl_table) do print(k,v) end end function dump_ctrl_event() for k,v in pairs(__ctrl_event) do for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do print( k, k1expand, v1 ) end end end -- -- Dialog -- function Message(parent,caption,message) return wx.wxMessageBox( message, caption, wx.wxOK + wx.wxCENTRE, parent, -1, -1 ) end function OpenFileDialog(parent,defaultDir,multiple,save) local style = 0 if not save then style = wx.wxFD_OPEN + wx.wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST else style = wx.xFD_SAVE + wx.wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT end if multiple then style = style + wx.wxFD_MULTIPLE end if not defaultDir then defaultDir = "" end local dlg = wx.wxFileDialog(parent,"Choose a file",defaultDir,"","*.*",style) local rv = dlg:ShowModal() if rv == wx.wxID_OK then --[[ if multiple == true then files = [] for file in dlg.GetFilenames(): files.append( os.path.join(dlg.GetDirectory(), file) ) return files else:]] return dlg:GetDirectory() .. "\\" .. dlg:GetFilename() end return nil end function SaveFileDialog(defaultDir) return OpenFileDialog(defaultDir, false, true) end -- -- Controls -- function GetId() local id = wxID_USER_Index wxID_USER_Index = wxID_USER_Index + 1 return id end function InitControl(obj,h) obj.SetFgColor = function(r,g,b) obj.ctrl:SetForegroundColour( wx.wxColour( r, g, b ) ) end obj.SetBgColor = function(r,g,b) obj.ctrl:SetBackgroundColour( wx.wxColour( r, g, b ) ) end if h.bgcolor then obj.SetBgColor(h.bgcolor[1], h.bgcolor[2], h.bgcolor[3]) end if h.handler and obj.ev then obj.parent:Connect(, obj.ev, h.handler ) end if h.tooltip then obj.ctrl:SetToolTip(wx.wxToolTip(h.tooltip)) end if then local menu = EzMenu(obj.ctrl, obj.ctrl:Connect(wx.wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN, function(event) obj.ctrl:PopupMenu(menu, event:GetPosition()) end ) end if h.fontsize then obj.ctrl:SetFont( wx.wxFont( h.fontsize, wx.wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False, "" ) ) --fontname end if h.filedrop then local dropTarget = wx.wxLuaFileDropTarget(); dropTarget.OnDropFiles = function(self, x, y, filenames) return h.filedrop(filenames) -- 1..n, true, false end obj.ctrl:SetDropTarget(dropTarget) end obj.expand = 0 obj.border = 1 if h.layout then if h.layout.expand then obj.expand = h.layout.expand end if h.layout.border then obj.border = h.layout.border end end end function InitItemContainer(obj) obj.Clear = function() return obj.ctrl:Clear() end obj.Append = function(value) return obj.ctrl:Append(value) end obj.Insert = function(value,index) return obj.ctrl:Insert(value,index) end obj.Delete = function(index) return obj.ctrl:Delete(index) end obj.Select = function(index) return obj.ctrl:Select(index) end obj.GetCount = function() return obj.ctrl:GetCount() end obj.GetSelection = function() return obj.ctrl:GetSelection() end obj.GetString = function(index) return obj.ctrl:GetString(index) end end function EzLabel(parent,h) local obj = { } obj.parent = parent = GetId() obj.ctrl = wx.wxStaticText( parent,, h.label, wx.wxDefaultPosition, wx.wxDefaultSize, wx.wxALIGN_CENTER + wx.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL ) InitControl(obj,h) return obj end function EzButton(parent,h) local obj = { } obj.parent = parent = GetId() obj.ctrl = wx.wxButton( parent,, h.label, wx.wxDefaultPosition,wx.wxDefaultSize,0) obj.ev = wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED InitControl(obj,h) return obj end function EzToggleButton(parent,h) local obj = { } obj.parent = parent = GetId() obj.ctrl = wx.wxToggleButton( parent,, h.label, wx.wxDefaultPosition,wx.wxDefaultSize) obj.ev = wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_TOGGLEBUTTON_CLICKED obj.GetValue = function() return obj.ctrl:GetValue() end obj.SetValue = function(v) return obj.ctrl:SetValue(v) end obj.SetLabel = function(v) return obj.ctrl:SetLabel(v) end InitControl(obj,h) return obj end function EzCheckBox(parent,h) local obj = { } obj.parent = parent = GetId() obj.ctrl = wx.wxCheckBox( parent,, h.label, wx.wxDefaultPosition,wx.wxDefaultSize) obj.ev = wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED obj.SetLabel = function(v) return obj.ctrl:SetLabel(v) end obj.GetValue = function() return obj.ctrl:IsChecked() end obj.SetValue = function(v) return obj.ctrl:SetValue(v) end obj.IsChecked = function() return obj.ctrl:IsChecked() end InitControl(obj,h) return obj end function EzTextCtrl(parent,h) local obj = { } local style = 0 if h.multiline then style = style + wx.wxTE_MULTILINE + wx.wxTE_DONTWRAP else style = style + wx.wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER end obj.parent = parent = GetId() obj.ctrl = wx.wxTextCtrl( parent,, h.label, wx.wxDefaultPosition,wx.wxDefaultSize, style) obj.ev = nil obj.Clear = function() obj.ctrl:Clear() end obj.Append = function(data) obj.ctrl:AppendText(data) end obj.AppendText = function(data) obj.ctrl:AppendText(data) end obj.GetValue = function() return obj.ctrl:GetValue() end obj.SetValue = function(v) obj.ctrl:SetValue(v) end InitControl(obj,h) return obj end function EzFilePickerCtrl(parent,h) local obj = { } local style = wx.wxFLP_DEFAULT_STYLE if then style = style + wx.wxFLP_SAVE + wx.wxFLP_OVERWRITE_PROMPT else style = style + wx.wxFLP_OPEN end obj.parent = parent = GetId() obj.ctrl = wx.wxFilePickerCtrl( parent,, h.label, "File Open", "*.*", wx.wxDefaultPosition,wx.wxDefaultSize, style) obj.ev = nil obj.GetValue = function() return obj.ctrl:GetPath() end obj.SetValue = function(v) return obj.ctrl:SetPath(v) end InitControl(obj,h) return obj end function EzDirPickerCtrl(parent,h) local obj = { } obj.parent = parent = GetId() obj.ctrl = wx.wxDirPickerCtrl( parent,, h.label, "Directory Open", wx.wxDefaultPosition,wx.wxDefaultSize) obj.ev = nil obj.GetValue = function() return obj.ctrl:GetPath() end obj.SetValue = function(v) return obj.ctrl:SetPath(v) end InitControl(obj,h) return obj end function EzStyledText(parent,h) local obj = {} = GetId() obj.ctrl = wxstc.wxStyledTextCtrl(parent,, wx.wxDefaultPosition, wx.wxDefaultSize, 0, "wxStyledTextCtrl" ) InitControl(obj,h) obj.enableLineNumber = function() obj.ctrl:SetMargins(0, 0) obj.ctrl:SetMarginType(1, wxstc.wxSTC_MARGIN_NUMBER) obj.ctrl:SetMarginMask(2, wxstc.wxSTC_MASK_FOLDERS) obj.ctrl:SetMarginSensitive(2, True) obj.ctrl:SetMarginWidth(1, 32) -- 2,25 obj.ctrl:SetMarginWidth(2, 16) -- 2,25 end obj.enableLineNumber(); obj.AppendText = function(v) obj.ctrl:AppendText(v) end return obj end function EzChoiceBox(parent,h) local obj = { } if not h.items then h.items = {} end obj.parent = parent = GetId() obj.ctrl = wx.wxChoice( parent,, wx.wxDefaultPosition,wx.wxDefaultSize, h.items, 0, wx.wxDefaultValidator) obj.ev = wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_CHOICE_SELECTED if h.value then obj.ctrl:SetSelection(h.value) end obj.GetValue = function() return obj.ctrl:GetSelection() end obj.SetValue = function(v) return obj.ctrl:SetValue(v) end obj.GetText = function() return obj.ctrl:GetString(obj.ctrl:GetSelection()) end InitControl(obj,h) InitItemContainer(obj) return obj end function EzComboBox(parent,h) local obj = { } if not h.items then h.items = {} end if not h.value then h.value = "" end obj.parent = parent = GetId() obj.ctrl = wx.wxComboBox( parent,, h.value, wx.wxDefaultPosition,wx.wxDefaultSize, h.items, 0, wx.wxDefaultValidator) obj.ev = wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED obj.GetValue = function() return obj.ctrl:GetValue() end obj.SetValue = function(v) return obj.ctrl:SetValue(v) end obj.GetText = function() return obj.ctrl:GetValue() end InitControl(obj,h) InitItemContainer(obj) return obj end function EzListBox(parent,h) local obj = { } if not h.items then h.items = {} end obj.parent = parent = GetId() obj.ctrl = wx.wxListBox( parent,, wx.wxDefaultPosition,wx.wxDefaultSize, h.items, 0, wx.wxDefaultValidator) obj.ev = wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_SELECTED obj.IsSelected = function(i) return obj.ctrl:IsSelected(i) end InitControl(obj,h) InitItemContainer(obj) return obj end function EzCheckListBox(parent,h) local obj = { } if not h.items then h.items = {} end obj.parent = parent = GetId() obj.ctrl = wx.wxCheckListBox( parent,, wx.wxDefaultPosition,wx.wxDefaultSize, h.items, 0, wx.wxDefaultValidator) obj.ev = wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKLISTBOX_TOGGLED obj.IsSelected = function(i) return obj.ctrl:IsSelected(i) end obj.IsChecked = function(i) return obj.ctrl:IsChecked(i) end InitControl(obj,h) InitItemContainer(obj) return obj end function EzRadioBox(parent,h) local obj = { } if not h.items then h.items = {} end obj.parent = parent = GetId() obj.ctrl = wx.wxRadioBox( parent,, h.label, wx.wxDefaultPosition,wx.wxDefaultSize, h.items, 0, wx.wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS, wx.wxDefaultValidator) obj.ev = wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBOX_SELECTED if h.value then obj.ctrl:SetSelection(h.value) end obj.GetValue = function() return obj.ctrl:GetSelection() end obj.SetValue = function(v) return obj.ctrl:SetValue(v) end obj.GetText = function() return obj.ctrl:GetString(obj.ctrl:GetSelection()) end InitControl(obj,h) InitItemContainer(obj) return obj end function EzTableView(parent,h) local obj = { } if not h.items then h.items = {} end obj.parent = parent = GetId() obj.ctrl = wx.wxListCtrl( parent,, wx.wxDefaultPosition,wx.wxDefaultSize, wx.wxLC_REPORT + wx.wxBORDER_SUNKEN) obj.ev = wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED h.filedrop = function(self, x, y, filenames) for i = 1, #filenames do obj.ctrl:InsertItem(obj.ctrl:GetItemCount()+1, filenames[i]) end return true end InitControl(obj,h) --list:SetImageList(listImageList, wx.wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL) obj.col = 0 obj.row = 0 obj.Clear = function() obj.ctrl:DeleteAllItems() end obj.Set = function( row, col, label ) obj.ctrl:SetItem( row, col, label) end obj.GetSelectedItems = function() local items = { } local item = -1 while true do item = obj.ctrl:GetNextItem(item, wx.wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wx.wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED) if item == -1 then break end items[#items+1] = item end return items end obj.AddColumn = function( label, size ) obj.ctrl:InsertColumn(obj.col, label) obj.ctrl:SetColumnWidth(obj.col, size) obj.col = obj.col + 1 end obj.AddColumns = function( labels, widths ) if labels then for col = 1, #labels do obj.ctrl:InsertColumn( col-1, labels[col]) obj.col = obj.col + 1 end if widths then for col = 1, #widths do obj.ctrl:SetColumnWidth(col-1, widths[col]) end end end end obj.AddRow = function( row ) obj.ctrl:InsertItem( obj.row, row[1] ) for col = 2, #row do obj.ctrl:SetItem( obj.row, col-1, row[col]) end obj.row = obj.row + 1 end --if cols ~= nil then list.AddColumns( cols, colwidths ) end return obj end -- -- Containers -- function EzBoxSizer(orient) local sizer = { } if orient == nil then orient = wx.wxVERTICAL end sizer.ctrl = wx.wxBoxSizer( orient ) sizer.Add = function(child) local expand = 0 local border = 0 local flags = wx.wxALIGN_CENTER + wx.wxEXPAND + wx.wxALL if child.border then border = child.border end if child.expand then expand = child.expand end sizer.ctrl:Add( child.ctrl, expand, flags, border ) end sizer.AddSpacer = function(size) if size == nil then size = 5 end sizer.ctrl:Add( 0, 0, 1, wx.wxEXPAND, size ) end return sizer end function EzVBox() return EzBoxSizer(wx.wxVERTICAL) end function EzHBox() return EzBoxSizer(wx.wxHORIZONTAL) end function EzHStaticBox(parent,name) local hsbox = { } local box = wx.wxStaticBox( parent, wx.wxID_ANY, name) hsbox.ctrl = wx.wxStaticBoxSizer( box, wx.wxHORIZONTAL ) hsbox.Add = function(child) hsbox.ctrl:Add( child.ctrl, 1, wx.wxEXPAND + wx.wxALL + wx.wxGROW, 1 ) end return hsbox end function EzPanel(parent,content) local panel = { } panel.ctrl = wx.wxPanel( parent, wx.wxID_ANY, wx.wxDefaultPosition, wx.wxDefaultSize, wx.wxTAB_TRAVERSAL ) panel.ctrl:SetSizer( Layout( panel.ctrl,content).ctrl ) panel.ctrl:Layout() return panel end function EzBoxPanel(parent,content) local vbox = EzVBox() local panel = EzPanel(parent,content) panel.expand = 1 vbox.Add(panel) vbox.expand = 1 return vbox end function EzTabPane(parent,content) local note = { } note.ctrl = wx.wxNotebook( parent, wx.wxID_ANY, wx.wxDefaultPosition, wx.wxDefaultSize, 0 ) if content ~= nil and content.children ~= nil then for i = 1, #content.children do local panel = Panel( note.ctrl, content.children[i] ) local title = tostring(i) if content.title ~= nil and content.title[i] ~= nil then title = content.title[i] end note.ctrl:AddPage( panel.ctrl, title, False ) end end return note end function EzSplitterWindow(parent,content,direction) local swin = { } swin.ctrl = wx.wxSplitterWindow( parent, wx.wxID_ANY, wx.wxDefaultPosition, wx.wxDefaultSize, 0 --[[wx.wxSP_3D]] ) local left_panel = EzPanel( swin.ctrl, content.children[1] ) local right_panel = EzPanel( swin.ctrl, content.children[2] ) if direction == 'horizontal' then swin.ctrl:SplitHorizontally( left_panel.ctrl, right_panel.ctrl, 0 ) else swin.ctrl:SplitVertically( left_panel.ctrl, right_panel.ctrl, 0 ) end return swin end function EzVSplitWindow(parent,content) return EzSplitterWindow(parent,content,'vertical') end function EzHSplitWindow(parent,content) return EzSplitterWindow(parent,content,'horizontal') end -- -- Window -- function GetMenuBitmap(name,size) if name == "exit" then return wx.wxArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.wxART_QUIT, wx.wxART_MENU, wx.wxSize(size, size)) end if name == "help" then return wx.wxArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.wxART_HELP, wx.wxART_MENU, wx.wxSize(size, size)) end end function GetToolBitmap(name,size) if name == "exit" then return wx.wxArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.wxART_QUIT, wx.wxART_TOOLBAR, wx.wxSize(size, size)) end if name == "help" then return wx.wxArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.wxART_HELP, wx.wxART_TOOLBAR, wx.wxSize(size, size)) end end function GetBitmap(xpm_table) return wx.wxBitmap(xpm_table) end function GetBitmapFile( filename ) if os.isfile( filename ) then return wx.wxBitmap( filename, wx.wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY ) else return nil end end function GetIcon(name) local icon = wx.wxIcon() if type(name) == "string" then icon:CopyFromBitmap(wx.wxBitmap(name)) end return icon end function EzMenu(parent,menu_table) local menu = wx.wxMenu() for i, m in ipairs(menu_table) do if type(m.Name) == "string" then if type(m.Value) == "table" then local submenu = EzMenu( parent, m.Value ) menu:Append( submenu, m.Name ) end if type(m.Value) == "function" then local id = GetId() local item = wx.wxMenuItem( menu, id, m.Name, "", wx.wxITEM_NORMAL ) if m.Icon ~= nil then item:SetBitmap(GetMenuBitmap(m.Icon,16)) end menu:Append( item ) parent:Connect(id, wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, m.Value) end end end return menu end function EzMenuBar(parent,menubar_table) local menubar = wx.wxMenuBar( 0 ) for i, m in ipairs(menubar_table) do local menu if type(m.Name) == "string" then local item if type(m.Value) == "table" then menu = EzMenu( parent, m.Value ) menubar:Append( menu, m.Name ) end if type(m.Value) == "function" then local id = GetId() item = wx.wxMenuItem( menubar, id, m.Name, "", wx.wxITEM_NORMAL ) menubar:Append( item ) parent:Connect(id, wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, m.Value) end end end return menubar end function EzToolBar(parent,toolbar_table) local flags = wx.wxTB_FLAT + wx.wxTB_HORIZONTAL + wx.wxTB_TEXT local toolbar = parent:CreateToolBar( flags, wx.wxID_ANY ) for i, m in ipairs(toolbar_table) do local tool local icon local tooltip local name = m.Name if m.Name ~= nil and m.Name == '-' then toolbar:AddSeparator() else if m.Icon == nil then icon = wx.NullBitmap else icon = GetToolBitmap(m.Icon,32) end if m_ToolTip == nil then tooltip = "" else tooltip = m.ToolTip end if m.Name == nil then flags = flags + wx.wxTB_TEXT name = "" end local id = GetId() tool = toolbar:AddTool(id, name, icon, tooltip, wx.wxITEM_NORMAL) if m.ToolTip ~= nil then toolbar:SetToolShortHelp( id, m.ToolTip) end if m.Value == nil then tool:Enable( false ) else toolbar:Connect( id, wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED, m.Value ) end end end toolbar:Realize() --[[ local toolbar = wx.wxToolBar(parent, ID_TOOLBAR, wx.wxDefaultPosition, wx.wxDefaultSize) for i, m in ipairs(toolbar_table) do local tool = toolbar:AddTool(wx.wxID_ANY, m.Name, m.Icon, m.ToolTip, wx.wxITEM_NORMAL) end return toolbar ]] end function EzStatusBar(parent,count) return parent:CreateStatusBar( count, 0, wxID_STATUS ) end function Layout(parent,content) local vbox = EzVBox() for i, v in ipairs(content) do local hbox = EzHBox() if type(v) == "table" then for j, h in pairs(v) do if type(h) == "table" then local ctrl; if == "StaticText" then ctrl = EzLabel(parent,h) elseif == "Button" then ctrl = EzButton(parent,h) elseif == "ToggleButton" then ctrl = EzToggleButton(parent,h) elseif == "CheckBox" then ctrl = EzCheckBox(parent,h) elseif == "Choice" then ctrl = EzChoiceBox(parent,h) elseif == "ComboBox" then ctrl = EzComboBox(parent,h) elseif == "ListBox" then ctrl = EzListBox(parent,h) elseif == "CheckListBox" then ctrl = EzCheckListBox(parent,h) elseif == "RadioBox" then ctrl = EzRadioBox(parent,h) elseif == "TextField" then ctrl = EzTextCtrl(parent,h) elseif == "TextArea" then h.multiline = true; ctrl = EzTextCtrl(parent,h) elseif == "FilePicker" then ctrl = EzFilePickerCtrl(parent,h) elseif == "DirPicker" then ctrl = EzDirPickerCtrl(parent,h) elseif == "StyledText" then ctrl = EzStyledText(parent,h) elseif == "Table" then ctrl = EzTableView(parent,h) elseif == "Panel" then ctrl = EzPanel(parent,h) elseif == "TabPane" then ctrl = EzTabPane(parent,h) elseif == "HSplit" then ctrl = EzVSplitWindow(parent,h) elseif == "VSplit" then ctrl = EzHSplitWindow(parent,h) elseif == "Spacer" then hbox.AddSpacer(0) elseif == nil then for k1,v1 in pairs(h) do hbox[k1] = v1 end end if ctrl ~= nil then if h.layout ~= nil then for k1,v1 in pairs(h.layout) do ctrl[k1] = v1 end end for k1,v1 in pairs(h) do ctrl[k1] = v1 end if ctrl.key ~= nil then _window__ctrl_table[ctrl.key] = ctrl end hbox.Add(ctrl) end else --TODO: Error Meeesage end end else --TODO: Error Meeesage end vbox.Add(hbox) end return vbox end function Window(title,icon,layout, width, height, fontsize ) window = {} if fontsize then __font_size = fontsize end window.ctrl = _window__ctrl_table window.frame = wx.wxFrame (wx.NULL, wx.wxID_ANY, title, wx.wxDefaultPosition, wx.wxSize( width, height ), wx.wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE+wx.wxTAB_TRAVERSAL ) window.frame:SetSizeHints( wx.wxDefaultSize, wx.wxDefaultSize ) window.Show = function() window.frame:Show() end window.SetMenuBar = function(menu) window.frame:SetMenuBar( EzMenuBar( window.frame, menu) ) end window.SetToolBar = function(tool) EzToolBar( window.frame, tool ) end window.SetStatusBar = function(count) window.StatusBar = window.frame:CreateStatusBar( count, 0, wx.wxID_ANY ) end window.SetStatusText = function(text,index) window.StatusBar:SetStatusText(text,index) end window.SetContent = function(content) --window.frame:SetSizer( Layout( window.frame, content ).ctrl ) window.frame:SetSizer( EzBoxPanel( window.frame, content ).ctrl ) window.frame:Layout() --TODO: not necessary window.frame:Centre( wx.wxBOTH ) --TODO: not necessary end window.SetTimer = function(handler) window.frame:Connect( wx.wxEVT_TIMER, handler ) window.Timer = wx.wxTimer(window.frame, wxID_USER_Index) wxID_USER_Index = wxID_USER_Index + 1 end window.StartTimer = function(msec) window.Timer:Start(msec) end window.StopTimer = function() window.Timer:Stop() end window.GetCtrl = function(name) return _window__ctrl_table[name]; end window.SetIcon = function(name) window.frame:SetIcon(GetIcon(name)) end window.Run = function() wx.wxLocale(wx.wxLocale:GetSystemLanguage()) -- TODO wx.wxGetApp():MainLoop() end if icon ~= nil then window.SetIcon(icon) end if layout ~= nil then if layout.menubar ~= nil then window.SetMenuBar(layout.menubar) end if layout.toolbar ~= nil then window.SetToolBar(layout.toolbar) end if layout.statusbar ~= nil then window.SetStatusBar(layout.statusbar) end if layout.content ~= nil then window.SetContent(layout.content) end end return window end -- -- Aplication -- function fnExit() --appWin.frame.Close() os.exit(0) end function fnAbout() Message( appWin.frame, "About ezWxLua", "ezWxLua V0.0.1" ) end function fnOpen() local path = OpenFileDialog( appWin.frame ) print(path) if path ~= nil then appWin.ctrl.text.Clear() appWin.ctrl.text.AppendText(path) end end function fnToggle() local ctrl = GetControl('toggle') if ctrl.GetValue() then ctrl.SetLabel('On') else ctrl.SetLabel('Off') end end function fnCheckBox() local wxCtrl = GetControl('checkbox') if wxCtrl.GetValue() then wxCtrl.SetLabel('CheckOn') else wxCtrl.SetLabel('CheckOff') end end function fnStart() appWin.StartTimer(0) end fnTimer_index = 0 function fnTimer() appWin.ctrl.list.AddRow( { string.format("Time:%d", fnTimer_index), string.format("Diff:%d", fnTimer_index), } ) appWin.SetStatusText( string.format("Timer: %d", fnTimer_index), 0 ) fnTimer_index = fnTimer_index + 1 if fnTimer_index > 300 then appWin.StopTimer() end end function fnChoice() Message( appWin.frame, "About Choice", GetControl('choice').GetText() ) end function fnComboBox() Message( appWin.frame, "About ComboBox", GetControl('combobox').GetText()) end function fnListBox() local ctrl = GetControl('listbox') local count = ctrl.GetCount() local value = "" for i = 1, count do if ctrl.IsSelected(i-1) then value = value .. " " .. ctrl.GetString(i-1) end end Message( appWin.frame, "About ListBox", value) end function fnListCtrl() local ctrl = GetCtrl('list') local items = ctrl.GetSelectedItems() local value = "" for i = 1, #items do value = value .. " " .. items[i] end Message( appWin.frame, "About ListCtrl", value) end function fnCheckListBox() local ctrl = GetControl('checklist') local count = ctrl.GetCount() local value = "" for i = 1, count do if ctrl.IsChecked(i-1) then value = value .. " " .. ctrl.GetString(i-1) end end Message( appWin.frame, "About ListBox", value) end function fnRadioBox() local ctrl = GetControl('radiobox') Message( appWin.frame, "About RadioBox", tostring(ctrl.GetSelection()) .. " " .. ctrl.GetText()) end function fnFileDrop(filenames) local ctrl = GetControl('text') ctrl.SetValue(filenames[1]) end function fnCopyFilePath() local fpick = GetControl('filepick') local stc = GetControl('stc') stc.AppendText( fpick.GetValue() ) end function fnCopyDirPath() local fpick = GetControl('dirpick') local stc = GetControl('stc') stc.AppendText( fpick.GetValue() ) end function main() local menu = { { Name = "File", Value = { { Name = "Exit" , Value = fnExit, Icon='exit' } } }, { Name = "Help", Value = { { Name = "About", Value = fnAbout, Icon='help' } } } } local tool = { { Name = "Exit", Value = fnExit, Icon='exit', ToolTip="Quit Program" }, { Name = "-" }, { Name = nil, Value = fnAbout, Icon='help', ToolTip="About this Program" }, } local main_layout = { expand=1, border=1 } local list_menu = { { Name = "Exit" , Value = fnExit, Icon='exit' } } local listctrl_menu = { { Name = "Show Selected Items" , Value = fnListCtrl } } local left = { -- vbox { -- hbox { name="Table", key="list", menu=listctrl_menu, layout=main_layout }, { expand=1} }, { expand=1 } } local right = { --vbox { -- hbox { name="StyledText", key="stc", layout=main_layout }, { expand=1 } }, { expand=1} } local content = { -- vbox { -- hbox { name="StaticText", label=" File ", }, { name="TextField", key="text", label="Text", layout=main_layout, bgcolor={140,240,140}, filedrop=fnFileDrop }, { name="Button", label="Open", handler=fnOpen, }, { name="ToggleButton", key='toggle', label="On", handler=fnToggle, }, { name="CheckBox", key='checkbox', label="CheckOn", handler=fnCheckBox, }, }, { -- hbox { name="StaticText", label=" File ", }, { name='FilePicker', key='filepick', label="C:\\a.txt", layout=main_layout }, { name="Button", label="Copy", handler=fnCopyFilePath, }, }, { -- hbox { name="StaticText", label=" Folder ", }, { name='DirPicker', key='dirpick', label="", layout=main_layout }, { name="Button", label="Copy", handler=fnCopyDirPath, }, }, { -- hbox { name='Choice', key='choice', items={'apple','grape'}, value=1, handler=fnChoice }, { name='ComboBox', key='combobox', items={'apple','grape'}, value="apple", handler=fnComboBox }, }, { -- hbox { name='ListBox', key='listbox', items={'apple','grape'}, menu=list_menu, handler=fnListBox }, { name='CheckListBox', key='checklist', items={'apple','grape'}, menu=list_menu, handler=fnCheckListBox }, { name='RadioBox', key='radiobox', label='RadioBox', items={'apple','grape'}, value=1, menu=list_menu, handler=fnRadioBox }, }, { -- hbox { name="HSplit", key="split", children={left, right}, layout=main_layout }, { expand=1 } }, { -- hbox { name="Spacer", }, { name="Button", label="Start", tooltip="Make dummy list data", handler=fnStart, }, }, } local layout = { menubar = menu, toolbar = tool, statusbar = 2, content = content, } appWin = Window("ezWxLua",exit_xpm,layout,800,600,10) appWin.SetTimer(fnTimer) appWin.ctrl.list.AddColumns( { "Time", "Diff" }, { 150, 150 } ) appWin.Show() appWin.Run() end main()
2020년 2월 2일 일요일
[wxLua] ezWxLua
1. ezWxApp.lua
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