import wx ID_START = 1000 _window__ctrl_table = {} # # Common Function # def getId(): global ID_START ID_START += 1 return ID_START def registerCtrl(name,ctrl): _window__ctrl_table[name] = ctrl def GetControl(name): return _window__ctrl_table.get(name) def GetNativeControl(name): if _window__ctrl_table.get(name): return _window__ctrl_table[name].ctrl; def encodeIcon(filename): from zlib import compress from base64 import b64encode with open(filename, "rb") as f: return b64encode(compress( def encodeIconToStr(filename): return encodeIcon(filename).decode('utf-8') def decodeIcon(data): from base64 import b64decode from zlib import decompress return decompress(b64decode(data)) def getBitmap(data): from io import BytesIO stream = BytesIO(bytearray(decodeIcon(data))) # just bytes() for py3 return wx.Bitmap(wx.Image(stream, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) def getMenuBitmap(data, size=(16,16)): if data[0] == b'w'[0] and data[1] == b'x'[0]: return wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(data, wx.ART_MENU, size) else: return getBitmap(data) def getToolbarBitmap(data, size=(32,32)): if data[0] == b'w'[0] and data[1] == b'x'[0]: return wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(data, wx.ART_TOOLBAR, size) else: return getBitmap(data) def getButtonBitmap(data, size=(16,16)): if data[0] == b'w'[0] and data[1] == b'x'[0]: return wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(data, wx.ART_BUTTON, size) else: return getBitmap(data) def wrapSizer(widget): sizer = wx.BoxSizer() sizer.Add( widget, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0 ) sizer.Fit( widget ) return sizer # # Controls # class WxVBox(): def __init__(self,parent=None,label=None,orient=wx.VERTICAL,proportion=0): if label is None: self.ctrl = wx.BoxSizer( orient ) else: self.ctrl = wx.StaticBoxSizer( wx.StaticBox( parent, wx.ID_ANY, label ), orient ) def addItem(self,child,proportion=0,expand=True,border=5,align=0): flags = align flags |= wx.EXPAND if expand == True else 0 flags |= wx.ALL if border > 0 else 0 self.ctrl.Add( child, proportion, flags, border ) def addSpacer(self,proportion=1): self.ctrl.Add( ( 0, 0), proportion, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5 ) class WxHBox(WxVBox): def __init__(self,parent=None,label=None,orient=wx.HORIZONTAL,proportion=0): super().__init__(parent,label,orient,proportion) class WxControl(): def DefaultAction(self,h): if h.get('tooltip'): self.ctrl.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(h.get('tooltip'))) if h.get('key'): registerCtrl( h.get('key'), self ) def getLabel(self): #button return self.ctrl.GetLabel() def setLabel(self,value): #button self.ctrl.SetLabel(value) def getValue(self): return self.ctrl.GetValue() def setValue(self,value): self.ctrl.SetValue(value) def clearValue(self): self.ctrl.SetValue('') def appendValue(self,value): self.ctrl.Append(value) def deleteValue(self,value): if type(value) is str: n = self.ctrl.FindString(value) if n != wx.NOT_FOUND: self.ctrl.Delete(n) elif type(value) is int: self.ctrl.Delete(value) def removeValue(self,value): self.deleteValue(value) def setFgColor(self,value): self.ctrl.SetForegroundColour(value) self.ctrl.Refresh() def setBgColor(self,value): self.ctrl.SetBackgroundColour(value) self.ctrl.Refresh() def castValue(self,value): return value class WxButton(WxControl): def __init__(self,parent,h): id = getId() self.ctrl = wx.Button( parent, id, h.get('label'), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, 0 ) if h.get('handler'): self.ctrl.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, h.get('handler'), id=id ) self.DefaultAction(h) class WxLabel(WxControl): def __init__(self,parent,h): flags = wx.ALIGN_CENTER flags |= wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL if h.get('align') == 'left': flags = wx.ALIGN_LEFT if h.get('align') == 'right': flags = wx.ALIGN_RIGHT self.ctrl = wx.StaticText( parent, wx.ID_ANY, h.get('label'), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, 0|flags ) self.DefaultAction(h) class WxTextArea(WxControl): def __init__(self,parent,h): ''' flags |= wx.TE_MULTILINE if self.multiline is True else 0 flags |= wx.TE_PASSWORD if self.password is True else 0 flags |= wx.TE_READONLY if self.readonly is True else 0 flags |= wx.TE_DONTWRAP if self.wrap is False else 0 ''' id = getId() flags = wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_DONTWRAP self.ctrl = wx.TextCtrl( parent, id, "", wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, 0|flags ) #self.ctrl.Bind( wx.EVT_TEXT, self.handler, id=id ) #self.ctrl.Bind( wx.EVT_CHAR, self.handler ) drop_target = FileDrop(self) self.ctrl.SetDropTarget(drop_target) self.DefaultAction(h) def drop_handle(self,filenames): for filename in filenames: self.ctrl.AppendText( filename ) if self.multiline is False: break self.ctrl.AppendText( '\n' ) def appendValue(self,value): self.ctrl.AppendText(value) class WxTextField(WxControl): def __init__(self,parent,h): id = getId() flags = 0 self.ctrl = wx.TextCtrl( parent, id, "", wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, 0|flags ) self.ctrl.Bind( wx.EVT_CHAR, h.get('handler') ) drop_target = FileDrop(self) self.ctrl.SetDropTarget(drop_target) self.DefaultAction(h) def drop_handle(self,filenames): for filename in filenames: self.ctrl.AppendText( filename ) break def appendValue(self,value): self.ctrl.AppendText(value) def makeLayout(content,parent): vbox = WxVBox(parent) for v in content: hbox = WxHBox(parent) expand = True for h in v: name = h.get('name') if not name: if h.get('expand'): expand = h['expand'] continue if name == '<>' or name == 'Spacer': hbox.addSpacer() continue elif name == 'Button': f = WxButton(parent,h) elif name == 'Label': f = WxLabel(parent,h) elif name == 'TextArea': f = WxTextArea(parent,h) elif name == 'TextField': f = WxTextField(parent,h) else: continue prop = 1 if h.get('expand') else 0 hbox.addItem(f.ctrl,proportion=prop) prop = 1 if h.get('expand') else 0 vbox.addItem(hbox.ctrl,proportion=prop,expand=expand) return vbox.ctrl class WxPanel(): def __init__(self,layout,parent=None): self.ctrl = wx.Panel( parent, wx.ID_ANY, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL ) self.sizer = makeLayout(layout,self.ctrl) self.ctrl.SetSizer( self.sizer ) self.ctrl.Layout() # # Windows Function # def getHandler(handler): def eventHandler(event): handler(event) event.Skip() return eventHandler def runLater(handler): wx.CallAfter(handler) def runThread(handler): import threading thread = threading.Thread(target=handler) thread.start() class FileDrop(wx.FileDropTarget): def __init__(self, window): wx.FileDropTarget.__init__(self) self.window = window def OnDropFiles(self, x, y, filenames): self.window.OnDropFile(filenames) return True class Timer(): def __init__(self,parent,handler): self.timer = wx.Timer(parent) parent.Bind( wx.EVT_TIMER, handler, self.timer ) def start(self,msec): self.timer.Start(msec) def stop(self): self.timer.Stop() class Window(): def __init__(self,title="",width=800,height=600): = wx.App() = wx.Locale(wx.Locale.GetSystemLanguage()) self.frame = wx.Frame(None, id = wx.ID_ANY, title = title, pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.Size( width,height ), style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL ) self.ctrl = self.frame self.createdHandler = None self.closeHandler = None self.icon = None = None self.tool = None self.status = None self.content = None self.frame.Center(); self.frame.SetSizeHints( wx.DefaultSize, wx.DefaultSize ) def Run(self): self.frame.Show() def SetTitle(self,label): pass def SetIcon(self,filename): pass def SetSize(self,width,height): pass def makeMenu(self, value): menu = wx.Menu() for k, v in value.items(): if k[0] == '-': menu.AppendSeparator() else: if type(v) is dict: submenu = self.makeMenu(v) menu.AppendSubMenu(submenu, k) else: if type(v) is list: handler = v[0] icon = v[1] else: handler = v icon = None item = wx.MenuItem( menu, getId(), k, wx.EmptyString, wx.ITEM_NORMAL ) if icon is not None: item.SetBitmap(getMenuBitmap(icon)) if handler is None: item.Enable( False ) else: self.frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, getHandler(handler), item) menu.Append(item) return menu def SetMenuBar(self,menu_table): self.menubar = wx.MenuBar(0) for key, value in menu_table.items(): if type(value) is dict: menu = self.makeMenu(value) self.menubar.Append( menu, key ) self.frame.SetMenuBar(self.menubar) def SetToolBar(self,tool_table): #icon, text, handler flags = wx.TB_FLAT|wx.TB_HORIZONTAL if len(tool_table[0]) >= 3: flags |= wx.TB_TEXT self.toolbar = self.frame.CreateToolBar( flags, wx.ID_ANY ) for value in tool_table: if value[0] is None: self.toolbar.AddSeparator() else: text = handler = tooltip = None if len(value) >= 2: handler = value[1] if len(value) >= 3: text = value[2] if len(value) >= 4: tooltip = value[3] icon = getToolbarBitmap(value[0]) id = getId() if text is not None: tool = self.toolbar.AddTool( id, text, icon, wx.NullBitmap, wx.ITEM_NORMAL, wx.EmptyString, wx.EmptyString, None ) else: tool = self.toolbar.AddSimpleTool( id, icon, wx.EmptyString, wx.EmptyString, None ) if tooltip is not None: self.toolbar.SetToolShortHelp(id, tooltip); if handler is None: tool.Enable( False ) else: self.toolbar.Bind( wx.EVT_TOOL, getHandler(handler), id = id ) self.toolbar.Realize() def SetStatusBar(self,status_table): self.statusbar = self.frame.CreateStatusBar( len(status_table), wx.STB_SIZEGRIP, wx.ID_ANY ) widths = [] for i in range(len(status_table)): self.statusbar.SetStatusText( status_table[i][0], i) widths.append(status_table[i][1]) self.statusbar.SetStatusWidths(widths) def setStatusText(self,text,index=0): if self.statusbar: if index < self.statusbar.GetFieldsCount(): self.statusbar.SetStatusText(text,index) def SetContent(self,content_table): self.panel = WxPanel(content_table,self.frame) self.frame.SetSizer( wrapSizer(self.panel.ctrl) ) self.frame.Layout() def SetCreatedHandler(self,onCreated): self.frame.Bind(wx.EVT_SHOW, getHandler(onCreated)) def SetCloseHandler(self,onClosing): self.frame.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, getHandler(onClosing)) def SetFileDropHandler(self, onFileDrop): pass # # Application # def onCreated(event): print("onCreated()") def onClosing(event): print("onClosing()") def onFileDrop(event): print("onFileDrop") def onAbout(event): print("onAbout") def onExit(event): print("onExit") menu_table = { "File" : { "Exit" : [ onExit, wx.ART_QUIT ], }, "Help" : { "About" : onAbout }, } status_table = [ ["Ready", -6], # width will have space with proportion 6 ["Status", -4], # width will have space with proportion 4 ["Code:1", 20] # fixed width ] tool_table = [ #icon, text, handler [wx.ART_QUIT, onExit, "Exit", "Close Window" ], [None], # Tool separator [wx.ART_FLOPPY, None, "Save", ], # Disabled toolbar item ] layout_table = [ # vbox [ # hbox { "name" : "Label", "label" : "Address:", "menu" : menu_table, 'expand' : False }, { "name" : "TextField", "key" : "textfile", "expand" : True, "menu" : menu_table }, { "name" : "Button", 'handler' : onExit, "label" : "File", "tooltip" : "About this program" }, ], [ # hbox { "name" : "TextArea", "key" : "text", "expand" : True, "menu" : menu_table }, ], ] def MakeWindow(): win = Window() win.SetTitle("ezGuiApp") win.SetIcon("./Lenna.png") win.SetSize(640,400) win.SetMenuBar(menu_table) win.SetToolBar(tool_table) win.SetStatusBar(status_table) win.SetContent(layout_table) win.SetCreatedHandler(onCreated) win.SetCloseHandler(onClosing) win.SetFileDropHandler(onFileDrop) return win if __name__ == "__main__": global appWin appWin = MakeWindow() appWin.Run()
2020년 7월 30일 목요일
[ezGuiLib] ezPyWxLib
1. ezPyWxLib
2020년 7월 10일 금요일
[python] Image Directory to HTML
1. Image directory to html
import os import codecs import base64 def htmlAddImg( f, image_file ): with open( image_file, "rb" ) as infile: data = base64.b64encode( f.write(b'<img src="data:image/png;base64,' + data + b'" /><br>\n') def imgToHtml( base_dir ): image_files = os.listdir(base_dir) html_file = base_dir + ".html" with open( html_file, "wb" ) as f: for image_file in image_files: image_file_path = os.path.join(base_dir,image_file) htmlAddImg( f, image_file_path ) print(image_file_path ) print( '->', html_file ) if __name__ == "__main__": base_dir = r"d:\Ebook\웹툰\수화" sub_dirs = os.listdir(base_dir) for sub_dir in sub_dirs: sub_dir_path = os.path.join(base_dir,sub_dir) if os.path.isdir( sub_dir_path ): imgToHtml( sub_dir_path )
2020년 7월 9일 목요일
[python] merge webtoon file
1. Merge WebToon File
import os import codecs import numpy as np import cv2 from PIL import Image def cv2_imread( filePath ) : with open( filePath.encode("utf-8"), "rb") as f: image = bytearray( nparray = np.asarray(image, dtype = np.uint8) return cv2.imdecode(nparray , cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) def cv2_imread2( filePath ) : with open( filePath.encode("utf-8"), 'rb') as f: image = nparray = np.fromstring(image, dtype = np.uint8) return cv2.imdecode(nparray , cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) def cv2_imwrite( filePath, cv_image ) : rv, im_jpg = cv2.imencode( filePath[-4:], cv_image) with open( filePath, 'wb') as f: f.write(im_jpg.tobytes()) if __name__ == "__main__": base_dir = r"d:\Ebook\웹툰\수화" sub_dirs = os.listdir(base_dir) for sub_dir in sub_dirs: image_list = [] height = 0 index = 1 sub_dir_path = os.path.join(base_dir,sub_dir) image_files = os.listdir(sub_dir_path) for image_file in image_files: image_file_name = os.path.join(sub_dir_path,image_file) print(image_file_name ) img = cv2_imread(image_file_name) h, w = img.shape[:2] if h + height < 65000: image_list.append(img) height = height + h else: image_merged = cv2.vconcat( image_list ) merged_file_name = sub_dir_path + '_' + str(index) + '.jpg' print( '->', merged_file_name) cv2_imwrite(merged_file_name, image_merged) image_list = [] height = 0 index = index + 1 if height > 0: image_merged = cv2.vconcat( image_list ) merged_file_name = sub_dir_path + '_' + str(index) + '.jpg' print( '->', merged_file_name) cv2_imwrite(merged_file_name, image_merged)
[python] Merge Image with OpenCV
1. Merge Image with OpenCV
import os import codecs import numpy as np import cv2 from PIL import Image def cv2_imread( filePath ) : with open( filePath.encode("utf-8"), "rb") as f: image = bytearray( nparray = np.asarray(image, dtype = np.uint8) return cv2.imdecode(nparray , cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) def cv2_imread2( filePath ) : with open( filePath.encode("utf-8"), 'rb') as f: image = nparray = np.fromstring(image, dtype = np.uint8) return cv2.imdecode(nparray , cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) def cv2_imwrite( filePath, cv_image ) : rv, im_jpg = cv2.imencode( filePath[-4:], cv_image) with open( filePath, 'wb') as f: f.write(im_jpg.tobytes()) image_list = [] if __name__ == "__main__": base_dir = r"D:\Temp2\수화" sub_dirs = os.listdir(base_dir) for sub_dir in sub_dirs: sub_dir_path = os.path.join(base_dir,sub_dir) image_files = os.listdir(sub_dir_path) for image_file in image_files: image_file_name = os.path.join(sub_dir_path,image_file) print(image_file_name ) image_list.append(cv2_imread(image_file_name)) image_merged = cv2.vconcat( image_list ) merged_file_name = sub_dir_path + '.png' print( '->', merged_file_name) cv2_imwrite(merged_file_name, image_merged)
[python] OpenCv example
1. Open CV install
python -m pip install opencv-python
2. Image Load
3. Concatenate images of same width vertically
4. Concatenate images of same height horizontally
5. Merge vertically
python -m pip install opencv-python
2. Image Load
import cv2 im = cv2.imread('lena.jpg')
3. Concatenate images of same width vertically
im_v = cv2.vconcat([im1, im1]) cv2.imwrite('vimage.jpg', im_v)
4. Concatenate images of same height horizontally
im_h = cv2.hconcat([im1, im1]) cv2.imwrite('himage.jpg', im_h)
5. Merge vertically
import os import codecs import numpy as np import cv2 from PIL import Image def cv2_imread( filePath ) : with open( filePath.encode("utf-8"), "rb") as f: image = bytearray( nparray = np.asarray(image, dtype = np.uint8) return cv2.imdecode(nparray , cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) def cv2_imread2( filePath ) : with open( filePath.encode("utf-8"), 'rb') as f: image = nparray = np.fromstring(image, dtype = np.uint8) return cv2.imdecode(nparray , cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) def cv2_imwrite( filePath, cv_image ) : rv, im_jpg = cv2.imencode( filePath[-4:], cv_image) with open( filePath, 'wb') as f: f.write(im_jpg.tobytes()) image_list = [] if __name__ == "__main__": base_dir = r"D:\Temp2\수화" sub_dirs = os.listdir(base_dir) for sub_dir in sub_dirs: sub_dir_path = os.path.join(base_dir,sub_dir) image_files = os.listdir(sub_dir_path) for image_file in image_files: image_file_name = os.path.join(sub_dir_path,image_file) print(image_file_name ) image_list.append(cv2_imread(image_file_name)) image_merged = cv2.vconcat( image_list ) merged_file_name = sub_dir_path + '.png' print( '->', merged_file_name) cv2_imwrite(merged_file_name, image_merged)
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